Book copy editing services

Well, I've just fired it off to someone. I've gone for using someone from this board and am very much looking forwards to seeing what they do with it. Exciting times.

Tinker - I think the points you raise are very valid, but equally are ones that, to a certain extent, fit into a blind spot with me. Hence why I'm now a true advocate of not being able to edit your own work.

Quell - I've pm'd you. But for anyone curious I put up a post in the Publishing section under the Authors Earnings thread which I stand by for getting a general gist on any authors sales.

Additionally, and I may be being a little bit conspiratorially minded here, I submitted a request for a sample from an editor which they completed and sent back. As I say, I decided to go with someone from this board, but my most vitriolic negative review has appeared from someone with the same first name as that editor within a couple of days. It could be pure coincidence - but it's not that common a name. It could be some kind of misguided marketing, it could be they have taken it personally I have decided to not go with them (god knows why!) or it could be pure coincidence.

Either way, it is something that is on my radar to be weary of now, and just wanted to let other potential self pubbers know as well that that might be a tactic that is used. (people are possibly aware, but it's not one that I've heard of before)
Yes, yes, this does happen. Hasn't happened to me:yet, but one of my fellow self publishers has had a few and since she could not care any less about fixing the errors[some few which she doesn't perceive that way]it's interesting to read her rants about all the self proclaimed editors that come out of the woodwork on the Internet.

Either way, it is something that is on my radar to be weary of now, and just wanted to let other potential self pubbers know as well that that might be a tactic that is used. (people are possibly aware, but it's not one that I've heard of before)

She had one offer to do her first book in a series free as a means of giving her an example of what he could do for her.

Not knowing him and only finding a thin resume for someone with that name on the Internet she went off on a pretty good rant about people thinking she must be naive and a basic 'I don't know what he was up to,but....'

Anyway; since then, one of the other writers in our circle finally managed to get her to let them edit a few of her books.

However no matter who edits it I would be surprised if all complaints are satisfied so be ready to have people continue to complain after the fact.
I have re-released my book on Amazon for the last month and a half and am pleased to be getting great reviews with one reoccurring negative theme: The dreaded editing.

I have, so far, made more than enough off of it to be able to run it through a professional editor and am quite happy to reinvest that money back into the book. The ideal way round? nope, I accept that, but as anyone knows, editing can be expensive so whilst I wasn't in this gig to make money... now I actually am, I feel obligated (actually it's more than obligated... I want it to be the best) to use some of that money to polish my work to an even higher standard.

I've done a fair bit of googling and come out with two services I am considering for copy edits:

Bookhelpline: which appears to be a relatively new start up. They have no examples of SF in their testimonials but are quoting £600 for the job with the caveat that they may reassess that as they go.

First Editing: Seems to be a bit more established, they have a slick website saying they give it two passes and are quoting £720 fixed fee and a reedit guarantee.

I have sent both of them 1500 word examples and am satisfied with both of their work. Both also sent the work back within 12 hours.

My initial thoughts were to go with the cheaper option but the fixed fee and guarantee is also quite enticing.

My questions to your good selves is:

1. Has anyone had experience with either of these two companies? (They do appear quite high on searches for editors so imagine more than one of you has stumbled onto them)
2. Can anyone recommend anyone else for copy editing who they have had good personal experience with?

I am not really after content editing. I am happy with the story, structure and pace of my novel.

**I see their was a post on this, but back in 2012 so taken the liberty of opening this one**

Just out of curiosity, If you're publishing through Amazon, have you considered (or used in the past) their CreateSpace service? One of the options they have in their package is a Line Editing service. I ask because I am using them for publishing my first book, and as of now it is being edited. May be an option for you as well!
Bit an editor does more than line edit - they advise on theme, on character arcs, on tension, on scenes which are weak and ones that could be stronger. In short, they shape the book. :)
I for sure am incapable of editing my own or anything else. :)

The Amazon service seems very expensive? About $2,100 for 100K words?
Ray, you have a point there, it was NOT cheap....I went with it for convenience of having all services (design, editing, publishing) as a one-stop-shop.

Some other things I considered (besides professional services that can likewise be expensive), was craigslist. To save $$ there are plenty of freelance editors out there, but obviously, there are some risks as well. The cost savings could be substantial, but you never know who you're dealing with, or what they may do with your manuscript...
Ray, you have a point there, it was NOT cheap....I went with it for convenience of having all services (design, editing, publishing) as a one-stop-shop.

Some other things I considered (besides professional services that can likewise be expensive), was craigslist. To save $$ there are plenty of freelance editors out there, but obviously, there are some risks as well. The cost savings could be substantial, but you never know who you're dealing with, or what they may do with your manuscript...

Actually, you might be surprised. John Jarrold edits a book for 500 pounds. I paid less than that for both Teresa Edgerton and Boneman, both regulars on the Chrons (but it was a while ago and I'm not sure what their charges are now, although a PM to either would tell you). Teresa has provided the service for many of us here and all of us (that I know of) would recommend her. Boneman edited one of my books for me and, again, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him (that book got me an agent, Teresa's a small publisher, neither book would have got either in their raw state.)

All are specialist sff editors. There are a lot of cowboys out there who charge a lot - ask around. :)
Actually, you might be surprised. John Jarrold edits a book for 500 pounds. I paid less than that for both Teresa Edgerton and Boneman, both regulars on the Chrons (but it was a while ago and I'm not sure what their charges are now, although a PM to either would tell you). Teresa has provided the service for many of us here and all of us (that I know of) would recommend her. Boneman edited one of my books for me and, again, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him (that book got me an agent, Teresa's a small publisher, neither book would have got either in their raw state.)

All are specialist sff editors. There are a lot of cowboys out there who charge a lot - ask around. :)
And THIS is why it's important to have awesome forums with informative and awesome people!
Uh-Oh, here's hoping I have an experience to the contrary of what you heard :|

I hope so too -- would be interested to see your feedback.

Actually, you might be surprised. John Jarrold edits a book for 500 pounds. I paid less than that for both Teresa Edgerton and Boneman, both regulars on the Chrons

I'm not sure that counts as line-editing, which is what CS offers. But their broader approach is probably more valuable to most writers.
I hope so too -- would be interested to see your feedback.

I'm not sure that counts as line-editing, which is what CS offers. But their broader approach is probably more valuable to most writers.

Yeah, I intend to provide feedback once the process is finished...So far things have been moving along pretty smoothly.
Chris - I had a look at it but got put off by the costs.

It will be interesting to see what results you are getting, but I am going with word of mouth.
I think - and he might want to put into the thread - that @Boneman offered line editing as one of his services. I could be wrong...

Sorry, just seen this. I do line-editing, editing, copy editing, critiquing, whatever is needed with the words. Cover design is out of my remit (there are fanatstic artists on DeviantArt) and I'm sorry my website is down having a refit, it should be up again soon...

Thanks for the plug, Springs!:)
I've had my edit back, and am really happy with it. Feels like I've got a nicely polished piece up (or will have in about 12 hours when it goes live!)

Thanks Boneman! highly recommended!

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