Well-Known Member
FarScape: Moya
Babylon 5: White Star
Stargate: Asgard O'Neill-class
Star Trek: Excelsior-class
Star Wars: X-Wing Fighter
Other: Fireball XL-5
Moya tops all.
Very glad to see someone else loving Moya!
FarScape: Moya
Babylon 5: White Star
Stargate: Asgard O'Neill-class
Star Trek: Excelsior-class
Star Wars: X-Wing Fighter
Other: Fireball XL-5
Moya tops all.
My absolute favourite even though you never got to see it fly was the abandoned Space Jockey ship in Alien.
That was one beautiful but terrifying spaceship
Yeah that ship was just so ominous but gloriously beautiful.
As John Hurt quickly discovered
Love Red Dwarf. Kryten really gives me the giggles
Almost all of the ships I wanted to mention have been. So my preferences:
Star Trek: V'ger and the Whale Probe stand out for me.
Babylon 5: While the Shadows ships look sleek and cool some of the First Species have really cool ships.
Farscape: Moya rocks.
Ok so the one I haven't seen mentioned:
My favourite phallic shaped ship of destruction; The Lexx. This ship is awesome because it is sentient and when it gets hungry it blows up planets and east them - much to the disdain of the crew. Also it has really odd looking shower appendages.
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