5.01: The Walking Dead - No Sanctuary


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

We learn the true motives of the Terminants as Rick and the group find themselves in a vulnerable situation. Will they be able to work together?

New Season will start in the US 12th of October and it'll come in the UK next day.
"No Sanctuary" is an excellent start to season five and the gore throughout is superb. The second scene where the Terminus people were about to butcher Rick, Daryl, Glen and Bob was tense. Carol to the rescue is awesome and it was nice to see her disguise herself as a zombie. I don't think we've seen that since season one. Speaking of her character has grown a lot since then. The zombie on fire eating someone is one of the coolest visuals this show has done. Rick was a beast when he grabbed that guy's machine gun. Tyreese should have killed that guy first thing but seeing him tackle dude was great. Eugene is such a bullshitter. The reunion scenes at the end were genuinely touching. I'm honestly surprised they burned through the Terminus situation so quickly but I loved the pacing and I hope the rest of the season follows suit. It was fantastic to see Morgan return in the post credits scene.
Great episode. Love that the band (mostly) is back together.

It was a fairly quick end for the Terminus storyline, but I didn't mind so much, and besides it had indirectly consumed most of the latter half of the last season. Also, there was really many other directions they could go once the bulk of the group was captured.

Thought it was great that Carol came to the rescue - she really has become a badass, truly in the Rick mold: basically she'll do anything to protect her people. I thought the storyline with Tyrese was well done as well, though I did see its resolution coming early. As soon as Carol left, I thought, 'Tyrese is gonna have to kill this dude sooner or later.' Also two great reunion moments - Daryl and Carol, and Rick and Carl and Judith.

Did Michonne get her sword back? I know Carol grabbed Daryl's bow, but I don't think Michonne had her sword at the end, did she? Going to need to find her another one of those.

Anyway, psyched the show is back. Now on to rescue Beth, and then to Washington!!
It was fantastic to see Morgan return in the post credits scene.

I usually turn it off when the credits roll, because I don't like watching the scenes from the next episode - I would have missed Morgan return! Good to see that he appears to have shaken off his craziness.

Did Michonne get her sword back? I know Carol grabbed Daryl's bow, but I don't think Michonne had her sword at the end, did she? Going to need to find her another one of those.

Didn't look like it. They've also left behind Maggie's poncho and Glen's riot gear.


If there's one thing TWD can do, it's openers, and this was fantastic! What's more, it even felt like some of the episodes from the second half of last series, which is a good sign of things to come.
Bit of trivia: that blonde kid who stared at Rick before his throat was cut (also known as the Penguin in Gotham) was the same one Rick and Carol met (along with a girl) in the fourth series episode that ended with Rick forcing Carol to leave.
Bit of trivia: that blonde kid who stared at Rick before his throat was cut (also known as the Penguin in Gotham) was the same one Rick and Carol met (along with a girl) in the fourth series episode that ended with Rick forcing Carol to leave.

Did not realise that! Did anyone recognise the guy on the slab? The camera lingered so long it felt like we were meant to....
Did not realise that! Did anyone recognise the guy on the slab? The camera lingered so long it felt like we were meant to....

I only know that because I saw it on Reddit! :p It also explains the watch Carol took - it was given to her, she gave it to Rick, and Rick gave it to the kid so that he knew what time to meet Carol and him.

Didn't recognise slab guy. I just assumed it was to really drum in what the Terminus people were doing, and to show that he was dead and soon to turn.
You might have wondered did I like it, but you should fear not as I absolutely loved the comeback after the hiatus. Why, you might ask? The answer is that it was amazingly touching and probably even better than the famous Cherokee Rose from the second season. And the unification of Daryl and Carol was dearly belated but not totally unexpected. But fear not I was expecting casualties. Just didn't know which ones and the only one from their group is missing, and that's Beth.

The question is: was she in one of the cars? One of those that they didn't check or is she among someone else?

I don't know but I would like to speculate. However I'm not completely allowed, just grin at the background as I had more memorable moments from the original line then few of you will have. And those moments alone are a satisfaction from the true fans of Kirkman. But I should say that I also knows that he has made a lot of enemies over the years by the people he has killed. So, I wish I could go to archives one day and check out those ones that they haven't published in the letter section.

However, what I can say is that the zombies has always in present when people has been killed. And Rick has learned very well the reality of the zombie-world, where he cannot give and be the man he wanted. Nobody under his wings are useless and every single person down to small Judith have a function. Sometimes that function is to drive man to brink of oblivion, just like what happened to the poor redneck against the might of Tyreese.

I was literally shouting to the tellie: "You're a dead man," when he offended the black bear.

He should have never done that but then again, he had never met the survivors like them. The core group of Rick's people, including Carol; the one she cast away in the last season, because he was afraid of what might happen to the group, when they learn about Carol's mercy killings. So when Carol said, "I'm going to kill some people..." she really meant it. She knew what a hoard can do to their enemies.

What a wonderful device it turned out to be! Just perfect to solve the problem with one fell swoop, and I can only bet that it was a splinter from one that we saw last time near the Animal Hospital. So you can bet I loved every one of those minutes when the dead walked over the living and didn't stop. They never will.

Most memorable being this guy.


The one that got away. How? I don't know, but seeing what had happened to him, made me wonder how long he had been like that?

But then again the exploding zombies could not had been done better, and what's nice about that one is that it was scientifically possible to do that sort of explosion. Russians call it Thermobaric and American knows it Fuel Air Bomb or FOB. And if you didn't know it that scene has been originally devised by the legendary Max Brooks in the World War Z.

So I think it was a great complementary to the man behind the Survival Guide and one most original vision to the Zombie apocalypse.
May it reign forever more. Or until something radical will happen in the series.
Robert Kirkman tried to say that Gareth was dead, was unconvincing, and reiterated that there's every chance that the group will encounter worse people:

There have been some dream sequences that reveal the past, and a couple of snippets here and there that show things, but I use them as sparingly as possible in the comics. I think there's only been like three in the 132 issues that are now out. We do it a little bit more in the show. It's a lot of fun. I mean, again, it adds so much depth. You know so much more about Gareth and all of those people because of those two very minor scenes.​

But because we did not see Gareth die, we see him clearly shot in the shoulder region…

He looked dead to me.

Didn't look dead to me!

I certainly would not expect to see that guy ever again.

Yeah, especially considering we saw scenes of him in the trailer you guys put out that we did not see in that episode. [Laughs]

Why are you spoiling the fun, Dalton? That's not how you do things. You're supposed to forget that trailer the minute you start watching the show!

Well, I think a lot of people do want to see more from that character.

It just goes to illustrate the kind of people that you encounter now. This world has been around for a while, and we've seen Rick and how he's survived, and what he's had to do to survive. And now every single person you meet on the road and in your journey, you have to think, "How are they here? What did they do to get here?" And Gareth is a great example of somebody who has done some terrible things that have changed him, that have brought him to a place that has made him very dangerous. And we see those things. But as they're now out of the boxcar and on the road again, it's entirely possible that they might encounter more people that could be just as threatening. Or way worse.​

Kirkman wrote episode two of this season, and he says that there will be an "iconic" location from the comics in it. He also hinted that there "may" be more new characters. Morgan is also going to be a major part of the season with "a question as to whether he'll meet up with them, or when he'll meet up with them, but we've got a lot of big plans for the character of Morgan, so stay tuned."
I really liked this episode, especially Carol's one-woman-army. The slaughterhouse scene was particularly vile and I worried Glen was for it. I agree with Art School Dropout that Eugene is full of it -- I haven't read the comics but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he turns out to be a complete spoofer who fabricated his story in order to get a couple of bodyguards.
I agree with Art School Dropout that Eugene is full of it -- I haven't read the comics but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he turns out to be a complete spoofer who fabricated his story in order to get a couple of bodyguards.

Why do you say that, why he's not impassible in your eyes?
His reticence to say anything about the cure until really pushed - there was nothing to gain by keeping details a secret. And when he did say something, it sounded like office nonsense-speak. Of course, I'm probably wrong! :D
His reticence to say anything about the cure until really pushed - there was nothing to gain by keeping details a secret. And when he did say something, it sounded like office nonsense-speak. Of course, I'm probably wrong! :D

Fair enough. I cannot say nuffin. Nuffing other then it might be right and it might be wrong, but he sound pretty plausible to me as the reduction plan has been in the air for decades now. They hint about it quite a lot and he confessing that he was an engineer, sounds plausible because there are bioengineers who cannot do sh*t practical in their life. But I believe that if it would be question of him or the zombie, zombie would get it. Not him.
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One thing that I forgot to mention in my previous post. I thought Rick wanting to go back after they'd grabbed the weapons cache was a very Governor-like thing to want to do (as much as I wanted to see Rick fulfill his promise of killing the head guy with the machete with the red handle) and I was glad to see he was seemingly easily persuaded not to. That's a good sign. That's old Rick.

However, given the 'Then' epilogue we saw, plus the little insight BBQ woman gave Carol into the origins of Terminus, I think that means we're going to see head Terminus guy again. Feels like that guy holds a grudge. And I think it's going to end badly for one of our faves, and make Rick regret not finishing the job...
I think that means we're going to see head Terminus guy again. Feels like that guy holds a grudge. And I think it's going to end badly for one of our faves, and make Rick regret not finishing the job...
I agree, unless they really get a long way away, "to the end of the line." So far, although they always talk about getting some distance, I don't think they have moved far from Atlanta, and it could really be better somewhere else. (Unlikely, since there will be this Hawaii 5-O spin-off series.)
Bit of trivia: that blonde kid who stared at Rick before his throat was cut (also known as the Penguin in Gotham) was the same one Rick and Carol met (along with a girl) in the fourth series episode that ended with Rick forcing Carol to leave.
Thanks for that, and about the watch. It gives closure to that story but I would have missed it.
I usually turn it off when the credits roll, because I don't like watching the scenes from the next episode - I would have missed Morgan return! Good to see that he appears to have shaken off his craziness.
I agree with both points. I guess that if they do show scenes from next week then those scenes can never be big 'reveals' or else we wouldn't need to watch it.
If there's one thing TWD can do, it's openers, and this was fantastic! What's more, it even felt like some of the episodes from the second half of last series, which is a good sign of things to come.
Eugene is such a bullshitter.
I'm not sure that he is lying, but why did the CDC scientists in the first season not know about this research, and why does no one ever ask that question?
And also: "We should talk to them"
"Not just yet!"
What is that all about?
They are hiding something more.
I enjoyed this episode a lot. Did have to laugh at Carol blowing up the tank without even aiming the firework, though :D And I must confess that every time the guy swung the bat back in preparation to hit Glen I was just waiting for each excuse to stop him doing it. Exasperating! Just hit him and get it done already!! :p:D
