5.01: The Walking Dead - No Sanctuary

And I must confess that every time the guy swung the bat back in preparation to hit Glen I was just waiting for each excuse to stop him doing it. Exasperating! Just hit him and get it done already!

Noooo. We need to keep him! But I have to admit I was feeling the same and I had my heart in my hand when he raised the bat. Just, I have to say he was asking to be turned, and wander around the continent scaring people.

I thought Rick wanting to go back after they'd grabbed the weapons cache was a very Governor-like thing to want to do

Maybe Governor. Maybe more like him as he knows what he had to go through to get proper stuff and that's hard in the state they're in at the moment. Michonne lost her sword and she only has scarab left. So that alone could had been a reason to get back and get even. But if would had been practical he would had waited till the herd had cleared the premises and then sending in the scavenger patrols while others keep guard around the compound. And that car the redneck mentioned sitting at front the cabin is priceless if it works as it would get them much father than sticking to foot patrols on their way to the next location.

Morgan (or the writers) must have been a fan of Return of the Jedi because, let's face it, that was SUCH a Lando Calrissian reveal for his character!

Indeed. :D
Great episode. Nothing more to add than what has being said before except I think Michonne had her sword at the end.
Great episode. Nothing more to add than what has being said before except I think Michonne had her sword at the end.

You are correct. Just watched the episode again. Hope she gets another sword :)
What a cracking season opener! Terminus went down with a bang!

Carol's firework antics were somewhat unrealistic but I guess she only had to fire it through the cloud of escaping gas to ignite it?

Speaking of the Katana and Gareth's fate...

He'll show up again, as seen in the trailers for the season. My prediction is that he'll have the katana and thus Michonne will be reunited
I think there's more backstory still to come from Terminus; for instance we still haven't found out why the turned (it seems) to cannibalism. Quite why they didn't just chuck a couple of grenades into the train carriage rather than a gas cannister; especially when they were up against a formidable group such as Rick's.

Rick for me is no longer a leader. His morals are scrambled, as are his tactical plans and he thinks that his ideas are the only ones that matter - not good qualities for a leader. Yes he agreed to be talked down from going back to finish the job off, but only because he could see that no-one else had any intention of joining him. Interesting parallells with the Governor trying to rally his troops before wiping them out!

Carol has emerged as the person who should lead the group, as she is the only one who seems to be capable of making the right decisions, but with the right amount of humility and emotion at the consequences of her actions.
