Funniest moments in sff

Star Trek TOS:
"Spock, what just happened?"
"Captain, we appear to have passed through a barrier."
"What kind of barrier?"
"Well, a barrier between what and what?"
"A barrier between where we were and where we are."
Kirk narrows his eyes. "Are you trying to be funny, Mister Spock?"
"Captain, the thought would never occur to me."

Ka zing. Well, it worked for me.
Most of L. Sprague de Camp's fantasy. His very proper, well meaning, and rather British seeming demon, is a scream. Gorax, I think his name was.

Poul Anderson's van Rijn tales may be the funniest decent SF I can think of. I think they are collected in one volume now, the title of which escapses me atm. But in one, our hero says something like:

"You are beatiful damsel in distress. I rescue you.

Waste not, want not."

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