Marvel's Agent Carter

Episode 8 "Valediction"
Loved seeing Peggy with Cap's shield. Dottie is a beast and it was awesome to see her finally fight Peggy. Sousa's fake out was great. I think these were some of Dominic Cooper's best scenes as Howard Stark. The scene with Peggy pouring out the vial of Steve's blood was excellent as well as touching. Brilliant seeing Toby Jones return as Arnim Zola.
I wonder if they will be doing a second season?
Based on the ratings, it's possible but unlikely. (The finale got a 1.3 which is probably not far off the show's average and, in today's rapidly declining market, is just "not good" or maybe "bad" rather than "awful". ) There is the ABC/Marvel cross-marketing aspect which gives it a leg up but that's already probably why Shield is still on the air and it's unlikely to give cover to a second series. Unless they just really intend to have a hiatus for Shield and intend to fill it no matter what because it helps Shield and the movies and merchandise.

But they sure did give the impression they were expecting to come back what with all the dangling pieces and intimations of the future, didn't they? I have to say that I loved the premiere episodes and more or less happily followed along after that, but was kind of underwhelmed with the finale. (And the clapping scene was painfully dumb to me.) So I could definitely live with it being cancelled, though I wouldn't rule out giving it another, very provisional, try if it returned.
Pretty good wrap-up to the season.. Stark's name is cleared, his toys destroyed and Peggy restored to honour. Dottie is still out there, although she lost a lot of blood and would not have realistically walked away (but she's a highly trained killing machine, so...)

Hopefully season 2 will come.. and we might get to see the forming of SHIELD as per the original "one-shot" Carter storyline!
I wouldn't be surprised to see a second series - Disney owns both Marvel and ABC, Agent Carter's ratings were similar to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and AC fills the hole in the AoS mid-series hiatus quite nicely, keeping people thinking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a second series - Disney owns both Marvel and ABC, Agent Carter's ratings were similar to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and AC fills the hole in the AoS mid-series hiatus quite nicely, keeping people thinking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Agree with all that as far as it goes, except that I think Carter was in the vicinity of 1.3 and Shield was still in the vicinity of 1.8, maybe - higher, anyway. Carter was doing .8 of ABC's average show and Shield was .87. Doesn't sound like much but Shield was likely borderline in the first place, which would put Carter underwater. But we'll see - the "synergy" of the new media empires is hard to figure.
Heads up (at least for folks in the US - dunno about elsewhere) that, after some one-hour special on Captain America at 8, a double-shot of Agent Carter premieres tonight from 9-11.

As I've said elsewhere, the show didn't live up to its great premiere last season and an apparent move to California this season can't be good but I'm still willing to fill the time between Shields at least and maybe this will recover its spark.
I found it an awesome series.
And I also thought it absolutely "lived up" to its great premiere. Not sure what show you were watching. :)
Just seen S2E1. Great. A really good start to the season. I really love girl fights. Will be watching episode 2 shortly.
You'll enjoy it I'm sure. Just finished the ongoing story line and it's looking promising. Peggy is in LA, 1947. Nuff said.
Just finished watching the first 2 episodes of the second season.

It's just as good - if not better - than the 1st season!

Just finished watching the first 2 episodes of the second season.

It's just as good - if not better - than the 1st season!


And don't forget . . .

Bernard the flamingo! :D

Loved the first episode, made me laugh a few times :)

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