Endeavour and Tantor Media...

Gary Compton

I miss you, wor kid.
Jul 8, 2007
Gary Compton is proud to announce that Tantor Media has acquired audio rights for Ralph Kern's Endeavour and Tickety Boo Press is part of this deal as we are allowing them use of our version which has been extensively edited by Ian Sales and Jennifer L Carson.

Tantor are starting work on the audio-version now .

Well done to the author who deserves this so much. Ebook continues to sell well and paperback coming soon.


Exciting times, I'm not sure who they have as the main cast, but I've demanded nothing less than A-listers!
Not much of an audiobook chap (I do quite like the idea but the last audiobooks I got were, er, cassette tapes) but how does that price compare to others?
Rwlph, have you listened through yet?

Also curious why they didn't use your new, sparkly cover?
I haven't listened to it yet. Apparently its 12 hours long when it's done!

As I understand it the sizing is different for novels versus audio books hence can cause a few problems on the cover and why that one looks like it's been on the rack. That's just a place holder though.
Neither have I since listening to Doctor Who tapes from the library as a kid.
Although hopefully they do something about that price! I'm sure they're the experts but still...
I notice that there are three prices for the example they have given - red book CD, mp3 CD and mp3 download, and that they are very different (and likely to be more different in the UK, with delivery). Understandable - if you put the signal in mono, you can probably squeeze the entire nine audio CDs onto one disk.

I don't much like the guy's delivery, but his speed's good, if he's a pro he'll adapt to the particular book, and his voice change for the girl works well. And either he's working for cheap, or he (or they) are expecting to sell quite a few (think. If the edited recording lasts twelve hours, the unedited lasts thirty-six, or thereabouts. Call it a week's work, with listening and the first day's searching for the right voicing, and that's an honest week. Studio rental, editing time, mastering - double the time total, though the voice talent doesn't need to be there. Graphics for CDs and labels, will the firm have a multi-copier (easiest POD)? If you're expecting ten thousand sales the individual price is a bit more different from two hundred than with bound books.

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