Thanks for adding that. I read the first couple lines of it and somehow got the impression it wasn't part of the series and went on to the next post but I see now it is.
That leads me to believe that anyone on the SP "side" must remain there unless they want to become a target for Torgerse
A "target for Torgersen"? That's a new one on me. So far, I haven't seen him targeting anyone.
Just a touch?
Yep, just a touch. *holds arms apart
this wide*
Martin pretty much destroyed all Puppies arguments in the Where's the Beef post.
But I don't agree with this part. I was disappointed in this post. Most of all because it was a rather tedious read, really. But also because Martin let certain phrases creep out like "a fourth [SP campaign] threatened", "I can hear the Sad Puppies barking out their objections" (which is certainly almost irresistible and arguably even fair but sounds (as I mentioned before, "lightly mocking") - can't find the other... Incidentally, while he admirably tries to "filter out the rabid extremists who seem mostly just to want to hurt liberals and feminists and gays" to get to "the essence of the Puppy complaint" he says that "CHORFs" [is] another offensive made-up term, like SJWs" which is partially incorrect. I don't like the term either (same thing as "Sad Puppies" and "SJW" itself) but it's offensive only because it sounds bad and isn't an elegant acronym. But it was created to admirably filter out the rabid extremists who seem mostly just to want to hurt anyone not in their definition of liberal lockstep from
SMOFs which is a trufan emblem of being a "Secret Master of Fandom". SMOF is what it correlates to, not SJW. And SMOF is just saying some folks are big into fandom in a selfless way and shouldn't be tarred with same brush while others want their clique.
Thirdly, and mostly to the point, you can throw out the entire section of Martin's post beginning "Number (3) is the easiest to disprove" because (a) he persists in the mathematical mistake of assuming that if a show is not half black and half white it is unfairly biased towards whites when blacks make up something like 12% of the population. I don't know what the exact demographics are of SF writers but the idea that women or blacks or Mormons would mathematically equal any large number to be "representative" is wrong. Of course the history of the Hugo awards is overwhelmingly white male. While
Hypatia was a genius, there is no way you can make women equally represented in mathematics or ancient Greek history and have anything to do with historical accuracy itself. This can be changed in our present and future but we write SF - we aren't SF - and as long as we don't time travel, we can't change the past.
You can also see what seems to me a bit of a cheat. Yes, it is absolutely an honor to be nominated. But to be nominated 35 times out of
five positions when you're an editor of one of the
three major magazines and the one with the highest circulation and to lose
every single time until you retire turns into an insult and seems almost like a gold watch rather than a Hugo rocket. I'm speaking here, of course, of Stanley Schmidt and
Analog. I mean, I'm sure he's thrilled to finally get it but I just can't help but be annoyed on his behalf. And Martin is speaking of the honor of nomination but he has won repeatedly as well as lost. He might look at it differently if he'd never won. (He mentions losing twice in one night - he also won twice in one night, which he does mention in his first post.) And he pulls out the "damned if you do and damned if you don't" element. If Correia and Torgersen are doing this and have been nominated then they're just pissed they didn't win. But if it's an honor to be nominated and nominations like Schmidt's are being used to prove there's no anti-
Analog bias and Torgersen does recuse himself when he has a nominee-caliber story eligible, then it can't fairly be said to be about them and we'd have to accept it when they say they aren't concerned about themselves but about being exceptions to a bias they see.
Moving on, I believe he's honestly trying to call it as he sees it but he's probably not seeing that the vast majority of the great diversity he's citing indeed does look like that from within "your team" - oh no! I'm going to make a sports analogy! - offensive linemen and quarterbacks and receivers and all look very different. But, to the "opposing team" they all look the same. If you assume right and left are about 50/50 then you might expect to see 50/50 on the ballots but, counterexample after counterexample still does not add up to 50/50. I sort of pre-refuted Martin when citing the last several novel winners. Yes, Vinge won. Yes, Vinge has his libertarian streak. But he's much more famous as the Singularity guy and he doesn't add up to 50/50. (He's also conflating a writer
being an "SJW" and being
approved by "SJW"s.) And then we're supposed to be talking about works more than people. In literary terms, even Vinge's book is not exactly a streamlined action-adventure or anything. Connie Willis may sing in a church choir and she has probably written religious stories but she's not exactly CS Lewis or anything. The SPs could make a case that you may be a Christian, you may be a libertarian, you may write adventure stories, but you can't write like too much of a libertarian or a Christian and you certainly can't write a libertarian Christian adventure story. (Which, honestly, is a good thing from my PoV when I put it as starkly as that, but you can see why a libertarian Christian adventure writer might feel marginalized despite possibly having quite a large audience or audience potential.)
Anyway - long story short, I think very few SPs and probably not even many RPs are claiming they are 100% shut out. But I don't see anyone not already pre-disposed to agree being converted by Martin's argument. If they were, then the female and minority advocates would have to be content with someone saying, "See? Pat Cadigan's a woman and Delany's black and what are you complaining about? That's representative enough." Worse, Martin's kind of claiming, "Well, that guy has long hair and this one has a tan. See, we're not sexist or racist." Connie Willis can go to church and we throw awards at her anyway. Good thing she's also a liberal woman, though.
I kid. I'm just saying that was the least impressive of Martin's posts, but still mostly in good tone and trying to present a reasonable-seeming case.