Discussion - June 2015 100 Word Anonymous Challenge #7

Dan Jones

Der Vater absurder Geschichten
Nov 14, 2014
I am here to do the thing!
Welcome to the discussion thread for the June 100 Word Anonymous Challenge!

The Challenge is to write a story in 100 words or less. Please do NOT post them directly, but PM them to me instead to maintain anonymity. This thread is for discussion only.

See the Challenge thread for dates and times.

The Challenge is open for entries... now!

Like I mentioned on the Challenge thread, on this board I expect to see a great deal of ribald conversation, incisive reviews and otherwise entertaining nonsense from the get-go... to the let-go, so don't let me down!
Hmm, interesting. Oddly enough something quite off kilter just popped into my tiny mind. Watch this spot.
Ahhh, sure. Telford last seen running away, pulling hair, screaming like and adolescent girl who was asked to do her homework.
Excellent, "Conviction" like "Reflection" is another great theme - nice one Mosaix! :D

And good luck DG!!! :)
@chrispenycate has added a couple of highly salient points for anyone considering entering the Anon 100-worder challenge. Please consult the Challenge thread to read them.

The only thing I'd add is please go through your humble guest host if enquiring about the suitability of content for posting, so you don't reveal your identity for this particular challenge.

Thanks, Chris :)
Yeah, I went to check it out too. Superb use of formatting! :)
Oddly enough, I thought I'd been through all of the older entries for the 75. Obviously not. Love that mouse of Mouse! But it could have worked in an anonymous challenge - could have been a very elaborate bluff.
Oddly enough, I thought I'd been through all of the older entries for the 75. Obviously not. Love that mouse of Mouse! But it could have worked in an anonymous challenge - could have been a very elaborate bluff.

I think that as this Anon Challenge starts to mature we might start to see a few elaborate bluffs thrown into the mix; there certainly is the possibility to get more sophisticated with the anonymous aspect of the challenge. I was 100% certain I guessed one correctly last month because of the subject matter* - and of course got it plain wrong.

*The story in question was "The Legolas Concerto" by Perp. I attributed it to Farntfar because Farn can be frequently found around the Tolkien/LOTR boards. Just goes to show how little we know...
Thanks for running this DG! Woohoo, another crazy anonymous month to look forward too
The mouse's tale was, of course, in Alice (Fury said to a mouse that he met in the house…)

And I apologise for mucking around in your opening post, but I couldn't do an extra post, that would have fouled everybody up, while not all of us study the discussion thread before posting. And three submissions in last month's 75 word challenge were without title newcomers, or at least newish comers, but can you imagine three 'untitled by anon's? The rest was just fill.

We discovered by trial and error that a list of all relevant details (such as 'a submission must contain more than just the title' or 'no made up words can contain the elements of more than two existing words') needs to be attached to the first post in the thread, the one which gives subject and genre, so if a post has to be chucked out 'you were told in advance (even if you didn't bother to read it.)'.

Subterfuge? Even with nobody trying particularly hard to conceal his style, trying to analyse, comparing with entries in the seventy fives and past hundreds gave me a big juicy zero. And nobody recognised mine, despite it being full of words you need a dictionary for. No, it'll be some time before we're seriously subterfuging.


  • Fury said….pdf
    51.7 KB · Views: 301
Wow, that's a really good story with a wonderful last line! I'm already jealous, and it's only the first story!! :)

A great first two days of hosting, also, DG! :)

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