I'd never heard of it, either, though I have heard of Thieves' Cant -- and I'm not sure if I've read any of either one. But I wouldn't be put off by it -- I enjoy picking up new words and phrases and dialects that are interesting.
I'm not sure if Trainspotting is a good example. I tried reading it recently and got about halfway through before deciding I simply didn't care about anybody in the book enough to bother finishing it. But it wasn't the language, which I enjoyed deciphering for the most part; it was just that the characters didn't do anything for me and I didn't see any reason to hang around in their company any longer.
The American version of A Clockwork Orange had a glossary, without which I likely wouldn't have managed to finish it, at least back in high school when I read it.
What does all of this mean? Well, I'd say give it a shot. You clearly want to use it, so see what happens. You can always change it later if you don't like it, or if beta readers are too puzzled.