Discussion- September 100 Word Anonymous Challenge

Why? Anyone can start a thread, easy enough to keep it up, doesn't require a mod, so no extra work for any mods. And not threatening to drag attention away from the established challenges.
Yep. We can start it the day after I get my first win. What? You can't wait forever?
I am a worrier..sometimes. I'm a bit worried that we haven't had any stories written and posted in five days; we're down five entries over the first seven days of the challenge, compared to last month. Obsession is such a great theme -- I hope our usual suspects (the wonderful folks who normally can find the time to enter our lovely challenge) are able to write up a warped tale of enthusiastic fixation before the entry window slams closed on September 19th at 23:59 GMT (to quote the challenge thread itself).
In fairness, I'll mention that the 75 Word Challenge is also down in September...they've nine stories fewer than they had by the seventh of last month. Perhaps September is an exceptionally busy month for our members IRL...
I don't want to..obsess..over this. Come on gang, enter -- we all know there are a bunch of obsessed writers at this site!! Ones who should be incapable of resisting the challenge we presented this month! :)
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Or, to put it more succinctly than CC did...

I will be posting a few more today! I was away for the long weekend.

Please stand by...
Great news, ratsy! I bumped the thread because I was afraid that people were drifting away from our fun little challenge. It's nice to know there are stories already submitted; can't wait to read them! CC
One more story to keep it going...we have lots of room for more everyone!

Here is another bad joke.

Q: How many editors does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Only one. But first they have to rewire the entire building.
"If at First You Don't Succeed . . ." -- With tongue firmly in cheek, the author pays tribute to archetypal figures in popular culture.

"A Matter of Time" -- This imaginative story shows us the lengths to which someone will go in the name of desire.

"One Small Step" -- Well-deserved pride in an arduous task completed successfully fills this triumphant tale.

"Walk to the Park" -- Through deceptively simple language the author conveys profound emotions in this moving story.

"A Vacant Chair Beside the Hearth" -- The complications of human psychological are explored memorably in subtle tale.
Thank you Victoria for doing these great reviews!

I have posted another excellent story...if we don't get another entry today I will post another bad joke, and no one wants that!
It's Saturday and we have a new entry! If you haven't sent me one yet...what is the hold up|?
