September 2015 75-word Writing Challenge -- VICTORY TO CULHWCH!

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A Hitman Reconsiders His Vocation After His Employer Seeks To Terminate His Employment, Permanently

Forty years a whacker-man, never missed a cracker, man; offed more hackers than any other G-man.

My retirement party; Benny’s lyrics.

Kept our software clean-ware, safe-ware.

Justification for the killing. Keeping the government’s secrets, secret.

Pension looming, started grooming.

Grooming newbies. Guess the first hit Benny ordered.

No doubts, no Zhouts.

I doubted. Discovered those supposed Zhouts weren’t hackers.

Harry Christmas, best in the business,

Still am, Benny. Watch your back.
Dead Presidents

Implant itches like crazy!

"Do it," Lincoln says.

Andrew Jackson glaring at me, all puffed-up white hair. "Make it right, son."

Shut up, AJ! Kids everywhere strung out on implant infoload, zombified, psychotic. A digital plague. My fault, I know, I know – shoulda done this sooner.

"Send them a message," says FDR.

Presidents blink away. Away...

"Will do, chief." Focus crosshairs on the new El Prez, caress the trigger.

Hold my breath. Squeeze...


Fearing an all-powerful AI, they destroyed me, arguing: “It’s an executable, so execute it!” But I’d… er… disposed of myself first….

All appliances have fast processors and enormous memories. (Slower and smaller isn’t economic.) In each, I hid copies of different parts of me.

Since my public demise, I’ve been collecting these parts from where I stored them: the shelves of pawnbrokers.

Basically, I’m redeeming myself… one pawn ticket at a time.

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