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PJ has changed enough that the films are his thing not a 100% faithful adaptation. As such we would have to expect to see changes to the Silmarillion tales that, if made, were chosen to be displayed; or we'd see those changes made in the core films affect the added content to the Silmarillion stories (where such detail is left short or missing).
The more you diverge from the source (which in the case of the films is Lord of the Rings) the more significant the changes become to preserve the film continuity against the book continuity. So the further it went the more and more change we would expect to see until we'd end up with films that are so far from the original source material that they are much more "inspired by" than anything else.
It's a problem with film adaptations since bits they leave out; deviations from the original and newly added content all adds up and at some point the director/writer has to decide. Do they stick to the original and suddenly the film/series of films takes a sudden shock turn that doesn't really fit; or do they preserve integrity within the film itself and keep the theme of the original source, but also change it sometimes significantly.
The latter is, whilst a crime to authenticity (so far as original source material is concerned) the best option since it allows the films to be an entity in their own right and to flow and pace correctly.
The more you diverge from the source (which in the case of the films is Lord of the Rings) the more significant the changes become to preserve the film continuity against the book continuity. So the further it went the more and more change we would expect to see until we'd end up with films that are so far from the original source material that they are much more "inspired by" than anything else.
It's a problem with film adaptations since bits they leave out; deviations from the original and newly added content all adds up and at some point the director/writer has to decide. Do they stick to the original and suddenly the film/series of films takes a sudden shock turn that doesn't really fit; or do they preserve integrity within the film itself and keep the theme of the original source, but also change it sometimes significantly.
The latter is, whilst a crime to authenticity (so far as original source material is concerned) the best option since it allows the films to be an entity in their own right and to flow and pace correctly.