Fibbonaci, have you done any further advertising? I see your book is killing it right now on Congrats man!
Just in case you missed my post about the Bookbub promo,
here it is
thanks ratsy
I am very happy with progress on, but I wonder if I could be a little more savy about pricing etc.
I set my price for 99c in June/July and haven't moved it since
I notice that there are plenty of other books in the lists (Hard SciFi / First Contact) are around $3.99/$4.99
But I worry that if I raise the price that I will fall out of the Top 20s (of those sub-genres) and I take the view that the sub-genre lists are gold dust; and I also take the view that I just want to keep visible until my next book comes out (... it may be some time)
So... yep, I did do "discount" advertising this year... as follows
I have had success with Robin Reads (Jan 24th), (Feb 4th), and BookSends (Feb 19th)
but at 99c... it's not adding up to a heap of royalties...
I have no idea what to do... my plan is to raise the price to $2.99/$3.49 in a week or so and see what happens.
and many thanks... > I did read your blog, thanks for resending; it was very interesting and I guess that the right way to make a little cash is to have 3 books, of which one is discounted and the others are closer to 4.99
but I only have one book currently... so I will avoid the BookBub route (too expensive) until I can cross-sell