The bounce actually increases the energy available.
No, some is lost on ANY reflection (bounce). It's a passive system. Otherwise you have invented free energy, perpetual motion and proved Thermodynamics wrong. You CAN focus a signal and thus lose less. See below.
There is no free lunch.
Think of a crystal radio. Now make it a virtual magnetic crystal radio.
A tuned circuit connected to an aerial system (which converts Electromagnetic waves (EM Waves) to Electricity) with a semiconductor rectifier (of ANY kind) to convert AM RF to Audio frequency for the earphone.
A short wire aerial will not sense local magnetic fields, but distant or local EM waves and local Electric fields.
A loop aerial can be immune to local Electric fields (thus less sensitive to local interfernce than say a whip or car aerial on Medium wave), but is very sensitive to local magnetic fields and distant or local EM waves.
Now make it a virtual magnetic crystal radio
What is that meaning? Any crystal radio with a loop aerial picks up magnetic fields. A "virtual" anything isn't a physical thing.
Only EM waves propagate any distance, and best in a vacuum. Pure Electric or Pure Magnetic fields are local without a special medium.
A tube of suitable materials CAN transport EM waves, Electric current or Magnetic Flux. But slower than a vacuum. No such device is as efficient as waveguide for microwave EM waves. A fibre is less efficient, but very very much cheaper, and needs IR or visible EM waves. A pair of wires or coaxial cable works for Electric current / signals. If super conducting, then the distance can be immense. A tube for magnetic flux (described in original article) is least efficient and most costly way to transport a signal. Electricity is better. EM Waves better still. ANY "tube" to concentrate the signal (EM waves, Electric current or Magneti Flux) slows the transmission compared to a vacuum and has higher loss. That's why in a vacuum, the best scheme is a pair of parabolic dishes (one each end), to concentrate the signal. Then the Radio, IR or visible Light loss is related inversely to cube of frequency or square of diameter of dish. The speed is then maximum, "c" the speed of light in a vacuum.
The ONLY use for a "magnetic" signal "tube" is in a device, a machine, a gadget. Other than a hypothetical wormhole (which this experiment isn't), the best interstellar signalling method is a pair of very large parabolic dishes pointing at each other. Or a phased array of smaller dishes, less efficient, but a load of small dishes are very much cheaper to make and there is a lower limit to how large a single steerable dish can be made.