Steven Poore - Epic Fantasist & SFSF Socialist
I'm currently well into a final round of editing on a long fantasy novel, which has been rewritten a lot of times over more years than I care to remember, with the intention of self publishing. Trouble is, the latest edit has resulted in adding scenes where the odd plot hole was discovered, or expanding scenes to show where before it was a bit too 'telling' in places. So it is coming out around 169K. There is a natural place where it could be split into two books, just under halfway through, but I can't see where it could be divided into three. I'm concerned that a POD version will be enormous and too pricey. But I'm struggling to identify other books where there are just two volumes, rather than a trilogy. Any thoughts please? I already removed a whole subplot some time ago, and everything remaining is very interwoven and connected.
Joanne Hall's The Art of Forgetting is a duology. Karen Miller's Kingmaker, Kingbreaker duology was followed by The Fisherman's Children, also a duology. Personally I like duologies - different beats to hit, little chance of being bogged down by "second book syndrome". (yes, Malessar's Curse is a duology too...
On the other hand, only split it if that makes sense from a structural point of view as well as a marketing point of view. If you're self-publishing, then two books, released reasonably close together, may give you better visibility in what is undoubtedly a very packed market.