Shadowhunters - TV adaptation of Cassandra Clare's "The Mortal Instruments" Series

Looks like the improvements are slowly but steadily piling up - episode 4 is definitely better than episode 3:

  • Harry Shum, Jr. is great as Magnus Bane
  • Magnus meets Alec (MALEC!)
  • The actors are getting better at timing their quips and snarks
  • Kat McNamara is finally settling into her role as Clary
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the improvement curve continues - episode 5 is a step up from episode 3:

  • Simon continues to deliver the most hilarious one-liners.
  • Magnus asks Alec out on a date.
  • Alec reluctantly shows a bit of concern for Clary.
I found the thread ;)

Have to say I wasn't wowed by the finale. It fell a bit flat compared to the book, IMO, but maybe I will never be happy unless the show is at least 55% Malec...

They actually stopped just two-thirds of the way through the book and they mashed in some elements from the 4th and 5th books into this season. Humph.

I expect we'll get the rest of the first book and bits of the second and third book in the second season which I really hope would be 22 - 23 episodes long and NOT just 13 episodes.
I agree, the finale was a bit flat. Almost as if it was the first half of a two-part finale, but they showed the set-up half and forgot to show the actual exciting part... (Does that make sense? Probably not)
Yeah I hope for a 24 episode run next time! All depends on the network I suppose. From the hilarious special effects (the glowing plastic swords pleasseee) I feel like money is a bit tight on this ship.

I've only read City of Bones so I don't know what comes up later but assuming it's mainly the Simon/Malec stuff they've added in? And maybe sped up the Valentine plot?

Basically the show needs to ditch Clary and Jace and just make it all about Magnus Bane, the ancient warlock hoe, and his many love affairs. With lots of side Alec looking vaguely confused/side-eyeing/being uncomfortable at physical contact (was I the only one that loled super hard at his awkwardness when Clary clutched him at the end of the episode?? Just me...? Matt Daddario deserves an Emmy for all the Alec/Clary scenes. I love his complete apathy to her. So rare).
I aim to entertain :D

But I need a spinoff where Alec and Magnus are like a shadowhunter/warlock private investigator team: Magnus spends 80% of his time lounging on leather sofas with a margarita, wearing fine silks and making cutting remarks while Alec does all the sweaty running around and Looking Intensely at Things in the Distance, because he is an Honorable Shadowhunter and the Law is the Law, and they have an will-they-won't-they romance for about 5 seasons until they get married and raise half warlock babies together.

@ shadowhunters writing team - I am available always, I await your call.
I aim to entertain :D

But I need a spinoff where Alec and Magnus are like a shadowhunter/warlock private investigator team: Magnus spends 80% of his time lounging on leather sofas with a margarita, wearing fine silks and making cutting remarks while Alec does all the sweaty running around and Looking Intensely at Things in the Distance, because he is an Honorable Shadowhunter and the Law is the Law, and they have an will-they-won't-they romance for about 5 seasons until they get married and raise half warlock babies together.

@ shadowhunters writing team - I am available always, I await your call.

*Dying of laughter*
I actually really like Lydia Branwell. I hope she has a role in the second season :)

I thought she was alright - didn't warm to her exactly, but she could have been worse, so there's that ! I want more of Izzy next season, I really liked her and thought she was quite underused once the Sealie subplot was resolved.
I'm also pretty excited for more Simon/Izzy (Sizzy, what a great portmanteau) :) Simon needs to move on from Clary...! That was the thing that wound me up most about Clary. Girl, if you keep telling a boy you love him, inviting him as your date to a wedding, don't be shocked when he gets the wrong idea and thinks you might be in love with him!!

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