Discussion Thread -- February 2016 75-word Writing Challenge

Imagine my joy when arriving after my Monday Sabbath to find two more mentions of my story! Thanks much HazelRah and The Dusty Zebra.

I've said often enough that Fantasy, especially Horror is seldom something I enjoy and can't imagine myself writing. But who knows I'm a lot less adamant about that since I've been trekking this musty halls all these years. I've only read one of Steven King's books, which I liked very well indeed, Firestarter, but I would definitely call that one S.F. rather than the Horror that he's famous for.

As for my story. My wife tells me I'm oblivious to everything when I sleep. And that got me thinking about being oblivious to something in the middle of the night which was truly horrific. I couldn't imagine the horror that was waiting for Patty the next morning when she realized what had been going on the evening before. ---- Apologies to Patty Loveless for stealing the line "Patty, get it together," from her song "I try to think about Elvis.''
And a big thank you from me to Johnnyjet, HazelRah, and Phyrebrat. It was great, Phyrebrat, to read your thoughts on my story. Thank you.

I am really pleased with how I did this month. I got far more mentions than I ever expected and even votes! I'm very happy. :)
(In the dim and distant past when I tried to do something clever, I always mentioned there was something hidden to make people look more closely. I believe in giving big hints!)

Ah, that's a good idea! I will throw out a few hints next time :cautious: - assuming I can come up with anything hint worthy again o_O
Well done CC. Sorry I never found time to post a shortlist this month, but thanks to those who gave me a mention!
Hi Calliopenjo. You weren't rejected, you just didn't get selected (many of us hadn't received any votes). Besides, I placed your story in my Top List. I liked it, because it was very creepy. So technically you were one of my finalists. So for me, you are a winner.

To clarify, I wrote a 5300-word short story to be submitted to a group anthology. This spurt was a little less tasking than said short story.
Apologies all, for my taking so long to thank everyone! I am in the midst of a move of household, and have not been able to get online much in the last week or so. Thank you all again for your kind words, and best wishes. :) CC
