Szekret Sztory: Szection Szeven

Dan Jones

Der Vater absurder Geschichten
Nov 14, 2014
I am here to do the thing!
After a brief chat with @Robert Mackay and @Phyrebrat I've decided to go ahead, stop this relentless mithering ;) and get the seventh instalment of the Secret Santa stories under way.

Here's how it works.

From now until March 31st, you can post details in this thread about what type of story you'd like to receive: it could be a genre with a specific MC, or a twist on a specific location, or whatever tickles your fancy. For example, last time, I received the request "Can I have a teeny story about fire", and poor old Phyrebrat received "a spaghetti steampunk western featuring a gang of bankrobbers and their dog." (I was the happier). By posting a request you're effectively "registering" to write a story for somebody else.

In early April, I'll use my patented arbitrary pairing algorithm (torn up bits of paper in a baseball cap) to pair up requests with authors. This'll be done privately. That leaves the rest of April, May and June to write your masterpiece.

Stories should be submitted to me by July 1st. (Though it will make my life easier if not everyone decides to submit on deadline day, pretty please!)

A word to the wise: this is not one of the official Chrons challenges, this is a bit of fun (hence Muggins is hosting rather than one of the professional, gun-totin' mods), so none of it is overly formal. Nevertheless, there are a few "rules" which are more to do with etiquette than anything legally binding; please try to stick with them.
  • There is no word limit as such, but aiming for 1k-10k words would seem reasonable (says the guy who wrote 17k last time).
  • Whilst the pieces do not appear in their entirety on the forum, and so writing standards are a little more relaxed it is polite to assure that at least an excerpt worth be family friendly, with no determined pornography, excessive delectation in torture or unacceptable language. If the full length version is to be attached, this holds for the submission as a whole
  • When you've finished your story, you send it to the admin (that's me! (y)) and I'll pass it on to the person who initially requested that story so they do not know who wrote it.
  • When all stories have been submitted (on time, people!!), the Admin will post excerpts in a guessing thread and we will try and guess who wrote which one - it is a fun exercise identifying Chrons members' voices in their writing.
  • After a week or so of guessing, I'll reveal who wrote each story.
  • After the revelation of the authors, there can be a decision by the persons involved - (s)he by whom and (s)he for whom the piece has been written and the full length text can be attached.
  • If you request a story, and you by extension receive a request from somebody else, it's polite to actually write one! This never actually happens and somebody always goes AWOL, but let's try to make it a full house this time. Last time at least four of us went empty-handed. I was one of them, and I got so mad I threw a cricket ball INTO SPACE.
Normally, admin doesn't write a story, but I think I'm going to participate. I promise not to cherry-pick the best request for myself, and I obviously won't participate in the guessing game at the end.

Ok, get requesting, people! And good luck!
Well done, DGJ, for stepping up to the mark!

I'd like a story about a person who is actually a robot/cyborg/AI, but doesn't know they are. If the writer can bring a cat into the story it would be greatly appreciated (I like cats). It can be any genre/time period -- don't feel bound to write pure Sci Fi, just because there's a robot in it. Stretch your imagination!

Most importantly write something YOU enjoy writing, because then I'm sure to enjoy reading it.
Phyre...hold me back!!!!

I'd like a story about gho....

Nope, can't do it. I'm sitting this one out, and finding it hard to believe I've done 6 of these already!

Have fun gang :)
I like anthropomorphic characters, something (any genre) where the MC (any gender) learns to be more inclusive.

Pretty please.
I like horses, and I also like the idea of jousting. I'd like to joust one day, but for now, I'd like a story which features at least one joust.
I'd like a story where the lines between the heroes and villains are blurred. Genre isn't important but at least half the principal characters should be female.
I'd appreciate a story about redemption and starting over, utilising a spiritual awakening for the MC, set in a classic medievel fantasy trope, with familiar races with a twist.
I would like a story about a chronically depressed teen who encounters a runaway robot and finds a new purpose by helping the robot.
I read that johnny jet, and thought it said chronically depressed robot at first. A robot Eeyore! :)
Kerry could you combine the two? A neko robot that doesn't know they are?
Jousting? The only thing I know about that was that injuries from being dehorsed by the lance typically rendered most knights nils in the bedchamber of mylady fair.( Which put a whole new perspective upon the idea of courtly love and why Lancelot was in Gwen's bedchamber and why Arthur might have sent him in...) But when my friends would go on about looking for a white knight, I would grin and say, you like to just cuddle mostly, then...
A portal magpie? Would that be an actual bird, Chris? Or is that a concept? Anyways cool idea.
A full on medieval fantasy, and the woman's world. Of villainous heroes?
This lot looks a bit scary this time out, tbh.
Out of interest, what's the protocol for asking for clarification if we get a brief we don't understand? PM the organiser, I guess?

They will retrieve the information and return it to you.

There are more than a few up already I'm keen to get my teeth into. Glad I threw my hat in despite not knowing how much time I'd have to write.