I must thank Tim James, Little Star, DG Jones and HazelRah for their votes, really lifted my spirits while fighting this pneumonia.
Thanks to Juliana for the get well wish.
Starbeast, thanks for the "well done", now you get well, OK?
Victoria, thank you for the uh, I think I'll go with TIN, much appreciated.
As you know Dusty getting on your list always makes my day, thank you.
I tried 4 times to write a story but could not make any of them work anywhere near 75 words. My final entry was written in about 10 min and another 45 min cutting out words not absolutely necessary to make the point. Anyway I was going to call in sick and not enter but I said "what the heck", go for it. I'm so glad that I did because I ended up in some mighty fine company.
I'm rambling but I'm on drugs so I have an excuse--------HMMM-----time for more drugs.
Once again THANKS TO EVERYONE for a fun month.