April 2016: What Have You Been Reading?

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Still on Outlaws of the Marsh (nearly onto the fourth and final volume) and Five Families (within 100 pages of the end).
The Dune trilogy. I had only read the first one. So now tackling Dune Messiah and Children of Dune.
Reading The Novice, book 2 in Trudi Canavan's first trilogy. It is a lot better than book 1.
Currently reading Lee Child's ONE SHOT.

On my to-read list this month:
  • STAKED - Kevin Hearne
  • OMENS - Kelley Armstrong
Just finished the first half of Theft of Swords, which is basically the first novel in the series (they packaged them two at a time into 3 volumes to make it a "trilogy" of sorts), called the Crown Conspiracy. Entertaining, though a bit too glib for its own good which is maybe appropriate for a set-up/prologue of sorts. It's promising enough to where I'm definitely going to finish this volume off (I hear the second book gets into the plot arcs that carry to the end of the series) before taking on one my first Star Wars novels in possibly 20 years.

Oh, and in case it got missed by being buried in the March thread by me... Wool by Hugh Howey is excellent, with some of the most engaging and heartbreaking characters I've ever read in science fiction.
The Dune trilogy. I had only read the first one. So now tackling Dune Messiah and Children of Dune.
it's different from volume 1.. it becames more... philoshophical i guess
Alan Dean Fosters Alien

Thoroughly enjoying it, he captures the Nostromo Crew perfectly.

A Song of ice & fire

Halfway through book one. I like it, but only in parts.

I haven't seen that name for a long time either. As a kid, I read a short story by Raymond F. Jones called "The Cybernetic Brains". That story has stayed in my mind, but I haven't seen it in decades.
Just finished House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard. Post apocalypse Paris, fallen angels vying for power. Won the 2015 BSFA Best Novel. Good fun.

Plus I am reading the Percy Jackson books with my 9 year old. He is really gripped. Every evening I read a couple of chapters to him and then he carries on himself until he falls asleep. On the 3rd book at present.
Just finished... Island At The Top Of The World by Cameron. An easy read and a great novel. 4 stars!

Next up Earth Abides by George R. Stewart

I haven't read this book since high school 1976. (y)

Earth Abides Stewart.jpg
Last month I read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn and The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell, both of which were excellent (4.5 stars each).

Currently, I'm re-reading Downbelow Station by C.J.Cherryh, which is also very good.
@martin321 I liked Dark Places (movie was awful). Have you read Sharp Objects? I think it was stronger than Dark Places.

I am also reading The Adventures of Sir Edric by @thaddeus6th It is laugh out loud good fun. Love it. Still have about 20% to go.
Just a few pages into The Edge of Running Water by William Sloane.

Randy M.
About to finish Half A King by Joe Abercrombie after a month of reading it at snail's pace. Have the sequel on standby but may read it later in the year.

Then will start reading The Hammer of Witches as research for my next novel, and and umming and ahhing about whether to re-read The Name Of The Rose for fun.

All the while reading a few pages of Finnegan's Wake a week. But no more than that, otherwise my eyes will melt.
Currently reading Betrayal's Shadow by Dave be Burgh. About 80% through.

Actually really annoyed that work and other commitments are delaying me finishing this book. Really looking forward to the last 20%.

This is a little gem.
@martin321 I liked Dark Places (movie was awful). Have you read Sharp Objects? I think it was stronger than Dark Places.

I am also reading The Adventures of Sir Edric by @thaddeus6th It is laugh out loud good fun. Love it. Still have about 20% to go.

@ratsy I've read Sharp Objects and Gone Girl. I liked them both, a lot. I think I prefer Dark Places to Sharp Objects, but only marginally. Haven't seen any of the films of her books.

I have Sir Edric sitting on my kindle, so that's something to look forward to once I've finished with Cherryh.
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