Crowdfunding your WIP

Can you do all of those or do they have no compete clauses they prevent it from using their competitors?
I've always wanted to go trad because of the stigma and the idea there's a team who wants me to do well and will promote me. But. I do know we have been in a cultural shift toward self publishing becoming more common and easier.

trad opened doors for me self publishing didn't - retaiil shops, awards and, crucially for me, the ability to lecture in writing, coach,mentor, since I'm trying to earn a penny using my transferable skills from the day-job. But in terms of sales, reviews, etc - no difference. Money earmed is pretty even, too.

As to the other - yes, you can run any amount you like (I have 2 hitting this Saturday). But some have criteria, such as number of reviews. Some just like to mess with our heads, display no criteria and watch writers weep as they try to get accepted.
I don't think with traditional publishing you can guarantee a team that want you to do well even if you're with a bigger publisher. I've heard more than one fairly well known author comment about how if their book comes out the same time as a celebrity book then they get virtually zero support.

The ideal is a mix of the two. One opens doors and the other has the potential to pay better but I'm working with some successful self publishers.

I've written a letter I've not yet sent to a couple of distilleries to see if I can get sponsorship (Ian drinks a lot of whisky and I live near one or two I'm happy to have him drink).
Two what Jo?
And Anya that is very interesting that I may become less of a priority...
I've always wanted to go trad

Go for it - there's nothing stopping you.

Though when I suggested self-publishing an ebook, it's only because I thought you were talking about crowdfunding to self-publish your own paperbacks/hardbacks!

If you're just looking to publish an ebook, why would you need crowdfunding? :)
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Two what Jo?
And Anya that is very interesting that I may become less of a priority...

Two book promo sites. I'm on a 99p week this week and have gone for Book Barbarian and Many Books. I've used Barbarian before and find them value for money.

Anyhow, absolutely - if you want trad publishing, go for it. But that's not what' on offer through your original link. What they're offering is a crowdfunded product that will be closer to the self published model than anything else.
Twisted, are these all ideas or do you actually have a totally completed manuscript? One that had been through the ringer.

I think you have to just keep writing, be active here, and absorb all the things we talk about. We have countless posts about using promo tools to market books. Jo had blogs about it, and they are more valuable than a crown funding site. And there is no miracle cure for getting an instant follower group, at least not that I can tell. My word of advice. Write. And learn from it.

All the best man!

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