Nerf Herder
Not tonight though. England vs Iceland 
A friend from school who is an avid reader of the books and watcher of the tv series has teased me for boycotting the series. He told me to stop being a pretentious so-and-so.
OK, I'm going to watch it.
At least in Game of Thrones, there's a magic wall holding back the doom arising in the far north.Not tonight though. England vs Iceland
Plus (and this may sound grim), you never know what will happen in life, we can all be be struck down by lightening, a meteor can crash, or something more mundane can happen to any of us. Better to have seen it then.
I hadn't watched it and I met with minimum spoilers. Literally have no idea what is happening in the show and I feel no desire to know. Then again, I dropped the show 2 seasons ago so that might not be the situation you are in. I an not very averse to spoilers because I simply don't care so I will maintain my watch until the day books come out and I can then proudly say that my watch has ended. xD
I am in the same boat as you Anushka. I stopped 2 seasons ago and I have actually had a very easy time avoiding spoilers, something that I was mildly surprised about. For me, the reason I stopped was that I disliked all the changes that they made. I know IMP and Needle were saying that they look at the show as a completely different entity, but I can't seem to do that. The changes irk me and detract from my enjoyment of the show. I know Imp would say that this is more reason to watch the show now, then read the next book when it comes out, but I would rather be slightly annoyed at the myriad of changes that the show makes, then have major plot points spoiled for whilst reading the books.
That's my take on it anyway.
I don't think GRRM is ever going to finish the books but at least we'll get to see an ending of sorts on the TV show.