Perp's Therapeutic and Nostalgic Epic Book Haul

Very nearly - the last part of the Epic Book Haul.

A long time ago I was shopping in a warehouse store, probably Trago, and I stumbled across a couple of books by a writer called Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.

They were .50p each so I got three of them, read them and enjoyed them...

Quite a few years later, I was browsing through the books in the Forbidden Planet in London and saw a name I recognised, Yarbro.

I looked at the books and thought, 'oooh a vampire novel!' This was before the huge vampire explosion, Lestat was just emerging, and I had yet to try Necroscope, and the Vampire Diaries and Twilight were still festering in the creative unconscious of their creators.

The cover won me over (sorry sometimes you do judge a book...) and I was introduced to the Count Saint-Germain. It was a lot more literary than I thought it was going to be, but I really enjoyed it and over a few years bought a few more, always intending to get more as time passed, but the books are hard to come by in the UK and it drifted into the back of my mind.

Until I started doing this therapeutic book thing and I remembered the books, and decided to try and track them down, a job that is a lot easier in this age of ebays, amazons and internets!


And there it is the end of the epic book haul.

I guess everyone has a series of books that they recognise as not being that good (or maybe even bad) but like a car crash that you cannot look away from you just keep reading...

And the extended Dune books by Herbert Jr and Anderson are mine. They are easy to read, a dilution of the original, and as a whole simple and nowhere near as complex as the original. I just can't stop reading them....

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