Book reviewers and bloggers

Also if you have any issues send them a message and they can give you a number to call for assistance. Kindle and create space were both quite helpful.
Should be ok, just have to add a cover. Can do that as soon as its live. Not a massive blip, but annoying.
I'd ask them to load before that in case it takes 12 more hours to add the cover once it's live.
Your first few hours are critical to discoverability. Your work will be at the top of new lists until others add stuff, and then steadily, it will filer down. Make sure the covers on there before going live.
Liberator is now available on kindle.
Thank you to everyone who has helped, said nice things, or even just been interested. This would have been much harder, and nowhere near as polished if it wasn't for the awesome community here.
I have sent you guys a .mobi file, the version that should be available on kindle within around 48 hours... I hope you enjoy it! And thanks again. Anya, send me the interview stuffs whenever you like, and Jo, let me know if you want the blogspot stuff done fast or don't mind. Its gonna be a hectic week I feel...
Sorry, only seen this now. I don't mind at all - hit it when you feel it's going to be best for you (but give me a couple of days notice so I keep the blog free for it.)
Thanks Kerry, it means a lot
It can take me anything from a couple of days, up to a couple of weeks to read something, even if I like it a lot. It's the price of working, writing, promoting, raising loads of kids, trying to have the occasional evening with the wife, and sometimes just sometimes, a quiet moment to myself.
I recommend doing a free giveaway on librarything or booklikes. Since its an ebook it doesn't cost you anything. I can usually get a review or two with each giveaway, which usually ends up being 20 or 30 copies given out. Waiting for organic review takes forever.

Once you've got book 2 out you can try a free giveaway of book one through kdp since it looks like you are in select. With promos you could get a few thousand downloads, and probably 5 or 6 organic reviews. The only issue is it may screw up your also-boughts since a lot of readers like a bargain and just download everything they see for free, even if they don't read a lot of your genre. The plus side is plenty of sales after the promo ends.

You could do a .99 cent sale as well. Usually good for some downloads and reviews. With a countdown deal you'll still get the .70c royalty. If you're in the uk I'm not sure how this works though, but worth checking out.

btw, bought a copy based on the blurb. Looks like a fun read and my kind of sci-fi.
Bookbarbarian have agreed to do a promotion but only when we have 10 reviews on which is great news, but... We need ten reviews on

So, if any of you lovely US/Canadian folks out there, or anywhere else that the territory covers, have read Liberator, either bought or given, please, please leave a review as we would very much like to do a promotion as soon as we can. And anyone else from around the planet, who has read it, please leave a review too!!

Many thanks to @Vertigo for his review on and goodreads.
I believe non US/Canadian Amazon members can post their review up to too, I'm pretty sure I've done that before. I think you may even be able to post up the same review on and .com

I'm severely rationing my book buying at the moment but based on the sample, I'll be buying at some point.
Thanks big peat. I will have to check that out, I doubt many people are aware of that if it does work that way.
Thanks, if it works there will probably be much scurrying around chasing up reviewers by a great many people!

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