Perhaps it's best to address the underlying issue? Our characters are mostly a reflection of ourselves. They may be exaggerated and distorted but they represent us, the people we hide underneath, fragments of our own identity. Sometimes they're based on people we know, those we love or those we hate, but generally our main characters have a piece of us, the best have a slither of our very soul chipped into them.
You might not like your character because you've not done a very good job of creating them, you've not dug deep enough into yourself to find their true identity. You may really not like what they're telling you about yourself.
Literally, talk to them. Get to know your character as people, their true motivations, their drives, what makes them who they are. If you can't do that, then they're not ready yet and if you can, and still don't like them then they may be telling you that there are things in your life that need to change.
Either way, it's cheaper than counselling and much quicker.