So....I finished my book and i hate my characters.

I'd rather hate my characters than have them hate me.

I still can't bring myself to think of the catastrophe I deleted when I realized the whole premise wouldn't work because no one would follow the plot line I'd come up with. Those characters hated me with an abiding loathing I can still feel today. Keeps me on the straight and narrow for my subsequent attempts at writing.

If your characters don't hate you back, it's something that can probably be solved. If they do, sort it or ditch it, but learn why you created such a toxic relationship to the work.
This is when a beta reader or two is useful.

I've often had a totally different view of my characters to my readers. In my head my first MC was a bit pathetic, a wimp and ugly. My readers felt he had low self esteem and was misunderstood (especially by his author) ;)

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