Theory (spoiler alert)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
After reading both books, particularly the part about the time that Kvothe spent with the Maer and his lady love Meluan Lackless, I developed a theory. As know one whom I've met in person has read both books I figured I would state my theory here.
I think that the reason Lady Lackless doesn't like the Edema Rue is because her sister ran off with Kvothe's father. I think this is related to the little rhyme that Kvothe over heard as a child when his mother was still alive, and why she chastised him for it. I also think this is going to be important later on, specifically whatever is in her box that cannot be opened.
I'm curious if I am the only one who has made the connection and I am interested to hear thoughts on my theory.
I remember making that exact same connection myself, and I can't wait to find out what is in the box (probably not Gwyneth Paltrow's head ;) ).
I'm reasonably sure Meluan's sister is Kvothe mother, hence the "something familiar" senses about her. As for the box, I think pehaps that is tied into the Amyr: either Selitos' eye, or something relating to Lanre.
Which would in turn make it related to the chandrian which means that the Maer and Meluan are in danger.
You know what? If that's the case, I really can't wait for Kvothe to show up on their doorstep and call Meluan "aunt".
Right? I feel like she's not gonna be happy to discover that the wandering vagabond who one her heart for the Maer is actually her nephew.
I honestly had never made that connection but now that I think of it it makes so much sense.
The last question on that is the box then. I also think it has links to the Chandrian and so we will most likely see the Maer and Meluan again once Door of Stone comes out.
After reading both books, particularly the part about the time that Kvothe spent with the Maer and his lady love Meluan Lackless, I developed a theory. As know one whom I've met in person has read both books I figured I would state my theory here.
I think that the reason Lady Lackless doesn't like the Edema Rue is because her sister ran off with Kvothe's father. I think this is related to the little rhyme that Kvothe over heard as a child when his mother was still alive, and why she chastised him for it. I also think this is going to be important later on, specifically whatever is in her box that cannot be opened.
I'm curious if I am the only one who has made the connection and I am interested to hear thoughts on my theory.
Okay so i was listening to the audiobook ( i read it twice (the wise mans fear) when i hear that kvothe discovered that lackless is amgry with the ruh because her sister ... yeah the thing you just said. And was like wtfffd he is a lackless... and entered hear in franctic search for answers... and well thank you very much good sir.
I also have a theory that the master librarian is part of the Amyr but thats for another day.

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