Any well known authors in any genre that you just can't read?

I read Dune about 30 years ago and liked it but I don't think I could I ever reread it. Wasn't able to finish book 2.

I definitely only meant the first book! The others I'm really not interested in - mainly because the most interesting aspects of the Dune galaxy, and it's most distinctive characters, are disposed of in Dune itself.
I read Dune about 30 years ago and liked it but I don't think I could I ever reread it. Wasn't able to finish book 2.

I only found the first book interesting, really. Much of what made the Dune setting interesting is destroyed during Dune itself.

The books read like Tarantino scripts.

For better or worse, I think that's very accurate. I get the same feeling from The First Law that I get from Tarantino: it's very slick and well-made, but it lacks "heart" (sorry about the choice of word. It makes me sound like a country singer but I can't think of anything better).
I read a few Asimovs, Heinleins and Clarkes in my youth, but there's no way I'd be able to stomach the first two now. Clarke is a bit different - though he was very much of his time, I think he was the best ideas man of the three, and that makes his work a bit more palatable.
Agree about Clarke. Asimov I always found insipid.
Heinlein is more difficult. A bit like Norman Rockwell paintings in his view of the world. I still like the early Heinlein as period pieces. His juveniles were the first SF I ever read, so I have a soft spot for those still, and his Future History stories are great. Stranger in a Strange Land is a hilariously bonkers freak SF novel.
Later stuff can be awful and actually distasteful (Farnham's Freehold.)
James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Mevryn Peake, Stephen Erickson, and some but not all of Iain Banks. I know Erickson is very popular on this forum and I will give him another chance at some point. Banks is an adult version of Douglas Adams. His works were meant to be comical and outrageous but he lost me. I like more serious sci fi like KSR's Aurora. Now that was great! Use of Weapons was surely my least favorite SF or all time and I have finished a few dogs. If I was stranded on a desert island that would be the first book I would leave behind in my closet at home. I realized halfway through how bad it was but kept hoping it would all tie together by the end. Well it did not; just left me scratching my head thinking the editor must need a bulletproof vest. I may try Excession some day though.
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