I might be the exact opposite of you
@Aquilonian! For me the description in great detail of a characters clothes, hair colour, eye colour, face description, all of that is mundane and completely irrelevant. I will absolutly be turned away off by that, maybe not enough to put down a book, but it's something that helps ruin the emersion.
I think these details shuld be drip fed or even withheld. In my own writing there are almost no clothing or facial descriptions, light sprinklings now and again to get the world/setting across etc, but mostly ill pick out a feature that is striking to my pov, and focus on that when description arrives, bright blue eyes or deep red hair, along those lines.
Only something out of the ordinary, a scar running through an eye for example, is anythng less than exposition in my book (though obviousy exposition is sometimes needed and welcome). Until something relevant or out of the ordinary comes up Im perfectly content building images from my brain bank.
I know what a space marine looks like, two words gets everything I need to know. Where the non-exposition details come in are maybe his freeze ray weapons that I don't associate with space marines, or the fact that he is rake thin and can barely wear his big armour etc.
As you already know, Why waste words and time describing something I already know?
And just to quickly muddy my point before finishing. I love description. I love vistas, I love cities, I love characters, all of it. But if your going to describe a character don't stick it all in one (often very large and detailed) paragraph the second the enter the room