The Belgariad trivia

It was...

Before the supernova that forced Torak to exist - who was intended to be the God of the Angaraks?
Who, in the world of the Belgariad, famously hated turnips?
Nope. I can't remember if Silk hated turnips or not, but he wasn't famous for his turnip-hatred.
Was it the first king of Sendaria, voted into that position? Having trouble remembering his name, but 'Fundor' is what my admittedly malfunctioning recall is giving me. Time I read it again I suppose.

Fundor The Magnificent, it was indeed. The turnip farmer who hated turnips, so was trying to introduce the Sendars to rutabagas, with limited success.
Sorry. I forgot I had to pose a question if I got the right answer - which I wasn't at all sure I had.

Here goes: which character mentioned first in the first installment, 'Pawn of Prophecy,' is mixed up and confused with a god in the final installment of Eddings's epic fantasy, 'Seeress of Kell', and how?

I know I have strayed from Belgariad to Malloreon, but it was the only question I could think of - and who reads the first five without moving on to volumes 6 to 10?


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