'My Story.......was inspired by my experiences I've had to deal with from many jobs I couldn't stand. I've had bosses that lied, cheated, stole money, attacked women, put employees at risk, etc. You name it, I've probably seen it, or had to deal with it. I almost wanted to skip this month because all I could think about was all the **** I had to deal with through my life. It made me ill and angry. All that came to mind for a story was gory horror, but I didn't want to do that. Killing because of hate is something for the media to blab about, it would only make me feel worse.
I was on break at work, staring off into space, deciding not to write a tale, because it was only going to worsen my mood......when suddenly the song by the Clash came on the radio, "Should I Stay, or Should I Go". I smiled and pretended I was singing that song on stage.......that's when the idea for my story came about. >>>>>>>> Try to reason with the bosses for a better situation, or, revenge, without death, and just get fired.