Assassin's Fate

Ah,I do understand much better now,Koopa. I'm sorry I didn't really get it first time.
Of course,I do know what you mean about books not grabbing you.I read all of the ASOIAF books and by the end I could feel myself drifting away.
I don't think I will even bother with The Winds of Winter(supposing George actually writes it.)
I think you misread what i said. I didn't dislike it cause the story didn't went were i want it to go. That is just added gripe (not that i disliked the book, i still enjoyed reading it). It just felt a bit flat. The other 2 books dragged me in. This one doesn't do that save for the end. It wasn't a bad book. Just compared to what i've read from her before this one doesn't reach the same heights. Like a soldier son trilogy deja vu. Much to like, interesting ideas, well-built storyline full of details which matter later on, but i wasn't as immersed as with her other work. It is still a great fantasy book. Even if I didn't like it as much as the other 2, it's still very good. I was simply expecting even more cause she truly is one of the best authors i've come across. If the other 2 are must-reads, this one is a you might also like.

Edit: i just re-read what i posted and i can see why you'd get that impression. I do make it sound like i'm lukewarm about this one because of things not found in the book. However as said above in this post, the book that we got didn't manage to truly immerse me. If it was a great book i would have felt that way (that it was great) even if i didn't get what i was hoping for. But it wasn't great to me, simply very good. And as such i'm trying to find why i didn't like it as much.

I understand what you mean. Maybe we like it only because we already loved our heroes.

When I started to read The Farseer Trilogy, I couldn't let the books down. I didn't care what I was eating those days or didn't sleep more than 3 hours. Assassin's Fate misses something we had in previous series: the heart. It's like Robin Hobb struggled to give the series an end and it was really heart-breaking to write it down.
I agree with you so far,Alexa. I ,too,couldn't put the first trilogy down. I think, for me,the whole Fitz and The Fool series has been hard in a way,because Fitz and the Fool are old in this series.It is hard,seeing characters we love, being vulnerable and less able to cope with their enemies.
I was thinking,all the way through the last book,that this was the last time I'd be with Fitz and Beloved and so I think I was sad reading it.
I have read The Farseer trilogy several times. I leave a few years in between each reading and then I can return to Buck Keep and enjoy them all over again.
We can still hope to see glimpse of them if Robin Hobb ever decides to continue the adventure with Bee. She is very active on Goodreads, so I will not give up hope yet. :)
Yes,it's hard to say much about the story without it spoiling it for others.I will just say,I couldn't put it down and the writing was as brilliant as ever.
I'm sad today though - is that the end?

Fingers crossed for the Bee Farseer Trilogy :)
Thanks for that link,Alexa. It is lovely to hear Robin's views on her writing. I think she is an extraordinary writer with a laid back attitude to her work.
Like you,Mister Oy,I am still grieving the end of the whole series of books of Fitz' life and the lives of all the characters who have appeared in these books. I still hope that one day,Bee Farseer will arrive in her own story.

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