Watched it and thought it was okay. The use of diversity and reverse discrimination was good to see.
However, my recurring complaint about set design for ancient peoples applies - it didn't feel or seem remotely Ancient Greek, and the way the Amazons were dressed just looked odd, especially those foam headguards. The CGI looked poor and obvious here as well.
Also, the story seemed to stutter and slip in the last act: WW attends a party to kill a German officer, but as she strides at him she's blocked - suddenly, that officer is on the roof firing gas at a village - but rather than tackle him, she runs a few miles to look at the village - then is directed to find the officer via a column of smoke made by her comrades - which leads her to the secret massive floodlit airfield - where the real villain suddenly appears from nowhere ito announce himself to her.
Cue lights and music for obligatory fight CGI at the end, against a Greek god who didn't look like any kind of Greek god, but more like a starter adventurer in iron armour from Skyrim.
There were some weird cuts in the fight scene, especially toward the end - I'm not sure if it was just rushed for time, or whether the director wanted to recreate a sense of comic panels following one after another without flow between them.
My daughters loved the film, especially the eldest. And yet ... I came away feeling that WW lacked agency. She'd been effectively led about only to react to situations - rather than lead the story in itself.
The Scottish sidekick was stand-out for the fact he didn't do anything.
Overall, the film reminded me a lot of the first Captain America film - that also struggled to find it's feet, and ended up lacking polish. As Winter Soldier was far better, perhaps there's hope for WW yet.