Fascinating I was completely unaware of that! Thanks!Um... what about stars passing close enough to each to be able to transfer life's building blocks from one system to another? We had a recent example of Scholz's star that passed within 0.82 light years of the Solar System 70,000 years ago. See Scholz's star - Wikipedia
That would suggest the life would still be subjected 2 million years of exposure to deep space and associated radiation damage before it reached the inner system. Also life would have had to reach that far out in the 'donating' system in the first place in order for the exchange to take place. But still interesting all the same!Comets perturbed from the Oort cloud would require roughly 2 million years to get to the inner Solar System.[2] At closest approach the system would have had an apparent magnitude of about 11.4.[4] A star is expected to pass through the Oort Cloud every 100,000 years or so