Level 30 Geek Master
Congratulations, @Victoria Silverwolf !
I just noticed a vote...thank you, mosaix! And many thanks to you, Starbeast, for the listing!!
Thank you to everyone who mentioned my story, and a big thank you to nixie and Cathbad who voted for it.
And here are my long list, short list, and votes - Starbeast
Up to 2 votes and 4 mentions! Thanks, Peter V, Starbeast, Phyrebrat, and Teresa for the listings and dannymcq & Perpetual Man for the stealth votes.
Well done Victoria with the veil.
Also major thanks to all who voted/listed/mentioned my story - I'm really amazed considering the large number of high quality entries there was.
I hesitate to critique in the Discussion thread, but I think you may be right in that assessment as far as this story is concerned. Put it up in the Improving thread if you'd like specific feedback.I was beginning to feel as if I'd struck out this month, especially after the early elation of getting a vote. At the moment I feel like I'm falling into the trap of trying to make my stories too elaborate and losing & confusing people along the way.
I hesitate to critique in the Discussion thread, but I think you may be right in that assessment as far as this story is concerned. Put it up in the Improving thread if you'd like specific feedback.
It isn't spamming to ask for help! Sometimes even if we know what the problem is, we can't see a way to avoid it so we get stuck in a spiral of repeating the same error. Perhaps someone else can see a clearer path. So hie thee down there and see if anyone can give pointers.Thanks, I might. I've been somewhat reticent to do so of late because I felt a bit like I was just spamming and I think I know the problem, I just can't help myself!