BBC releases Blue Planet II Trailer

It's rare for false killer whales to attack dolphins, so the dolphins probably wouldn't have seen them as a threat. Also, as Attenborough said, it seems these groups knew each other from way back, so while it is a mystery, it's not as if the dolphins used brainpower to turned a dangerous situation around.

My mistake from the way he described it it sure sounded like they were going to go after the dolphins and I'm well aware of the aggressive nature of the killers. My childhood was crushed when I learned how much of a predator they are.

It looked like the dolphins at first were running away from them as if to get the food first
I love that there seems to have been some collaboration with the Octonauts team which means that even my youngest is interested and all my kids have a bit of knowledge going into it.
For the coral seas episode, the astonishing octopus and the fish team partnership, the Lovecraftian bobbit worms, and the shark/grouper gathering, were all highlights. :)
I've finally watched the first two episodes. There is so much color and diversity in our oceans. The dark side is the life our there is really without mercy. The instinct for survivial is essential and small fishes usually end up in the mouth of big fishes. Amazing and a little scary in the same time.

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