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One issue is also to consider how little data we really have and how what we do have is often spread out over huge tracks of time. So we only see a tiny bit of the picture. Considering the vast diversity of species and behaviours on the planet today its not stretch of the imagination to consider that the position of mammals would vary both spatially and temporally.
A logical line of thinking is that mammals might have been more nocturnal nearer the warmer regions where dinosaurs might well have coped well with the longer daylight and warmer temperatures; whilst in contrast mammal might have been more diurnal in the cooler regions where dinosaurs might well have had more mechanisms to operate at night or at least in the twilight periods.
That said the general concept of mammals evolving to cope with cooler night time temperatures when the lizard based life was less active makes logical sense. A niche/gap in the evolutionary chain that they evolved to exploit; and which left them suited to whatever disaster decimated the dinosaur population and thus capable of then thriving thereafter.
A logical line of thinking is that mammals might have been more nocturnal nearer the warmer regions where dinosaurs might well have coped well with the longer daylight and warmer temperatures; whilst in contrast mammal might have been more diurnal in the cooler regions where dinosaurs might well have had more mechanisms to operate at night or at least in the twilight periods.
That said the general concept of mammals evolving to cope with cooler night time temperatures when the lizard based life was less active makes logical sense. A niche/gap in the evolutionary chain that they evolved to exploit; and which left them suited to whatever disaster decimated the dinosaur population and thus capable of then thriving thereafter.