Warren Kramer -- In this moody tale of the dream of freedom, we share the protagonist's fears and hopes. The fact that she is not fully aware of the challenges she faces increases the reader's empathy.
johnnyjet -- By contrasting the everyday with the extraordinary, and the technological with the mystical, the author creates a unique vision. A being unlike anything we have ever known comes to seem familiar to us.
SPoots -- This mythical tale makes us of sensory details to draw the reader into its magical world. An intimate story of love and loss is found within its legendary setting.
mosaix -- The matter-of-fact tone of the narrator of this quietly eerie story makes it seem very real. The theme is specific to a time and place, and yet universal.
farntfar -- With great emotional power this account of cruelty disguised as kindness touches the reader's heart. Because what has happened to the narrator cannot be undone, nor can we truly wish it to be undone, it becomes an overwhelming tragedy.
dannymcg -- By drawing the reader into a vivid and exciting war story, the author makes this vision of a dark future compelling. This strengthens the darkly ironic bite of its conclusion.
Paul Meccano -- This mysterious tale, full of strange images and half-understood happenings, is sure to fire the reader's imagination. By carefully contemplating what we see, hear, and feel, we come to experience another existence.