Thinking about it, there does seem to be a movement in the trope (if we take Tolkien as the granddaddy of it all.)
His orcs were, I believe, unredeemably evil, cannon fodder and a bit one dimensional (IMO - I admit that I haven't read the Silmarilion. But have listened and read quite a lot of stuff from people who have.)
In a lot of current works, in many genres, as been pointed out, many varieties of Orcs come across as a more rounded and complex.
As for Dwarves, didn't they start out as Middle Earth's Jews? I wonder when the trope shifted them to having Scottish ancestry*? It's a weird appropriation 'cause I can't think of much old Scottish lore on dwarves - I think of them more as Germanic entities.
* It's the mean Scot, hording their gold, meme, innit?