Last chance to get requests in for this one -- I'll send out assignments either tomorrow night (Monday) or Tuesday daytime when I'm off work, depending on how exhausted I am after work tomorrow.

Anyone else want in? The water's fine!
Ok, folks -- assignments are out.

Let's plan on liberating the stories by Bastille Day (le 14 juillet) and we can get the whole thing over by the end of July, which is a bit past what I had in mind but still fairly short as these things go. At least two of us will be NYC-ing that weekend, but there's nothing that says you can't turn stuff in early, said nobody ever in the history of SS.
I have no idea whether I'll get my story done today. I also have the "nyc midnight flash fiction contest" thing today, and I have to write a drama with an airport runway and a pie (for f*ck's sake what?)
I just finished my first (crude) draft of my story, so I'll be a bit late getting this one in. (Busy summer! Hoping for leniency since this is the first time I was ever late...I think.)
I'm targeting this weekend to care. :LOL:

Sorry, guys -- been wrapped up in NYC and editing jobs, so I'll try to remember to pay more attention this weekend and see where we're at. I do have some stories in, and some still outstanding -- as you probably know already.
Err... oops?

Yes, where are we on getting stories done? I have received a few, but most are still out there. Can we see about getting them in by this weekend?
It seems as though this challenge has died on its, ahem, derriere a tad. I sent along a finished story a while ago, and I'm sure you've written at least a handful, and possibly even a glut, of stories. But I'm assuming that if Dusty hasn't put up the results / excerpts, then perhaps there weren't many responses.

But I'd be happy to be proven wrong!
But I'm assuming that if Dusty hasn't put up the results / excerpts, then perhaps there weren't many responses.

But I'd be happy to be proven wrong!
But I very much suspect you aren't.
I'm sure you've written at least a handful, and possibly even a glut, of stories.
A glut? Me? Actually I only finished two in July - I had rather a lot of other irons in the firre, and nobody asked me if I couldn't just manage…

But it certainly seems the Sekrit Szanta submitters lack respect for deadlines.
But it certainly seems the Sekrit Szanta submitters lack respect for deadlines.

I believe it's entirely possible that the organizer does, too. Although, to be fair (to me), it's more a lack of memory. I keep forgetting all about it until I see it bumped up in the New Posts.
You'll have my story today. No excuses, just late.