Sorry, I hadn't intended to derail the thread with jokes, merely to point out the absurdity of a thread that began by shaming writers for writing fiction not based upon proven Physics, but is now arguing theoretical Physics which can only ever be hypothetical. Yes, I do find that absurdity is amusing, but it is perfectly valid as a discussion for science fiction writers. It just isn't what the OP was really asking for.
I'm sorry, I had thought the OP was looking for a discussion of how real physics could be referenced to write a plausible FTL story using wormholes. After we talked about the problems, several solutions were talked about specifically or obliquely:
1. Wormhole being solitary event.
2. The wormholes being tied somehow so closely to one reference frame that the users can't interact outside that reference frame until at least the light speed-limited time period has passed.
3. That the wormhole users might end up in an actual different universe branch due to the many worlds time travel "solution".
4. Weird effects - more subtle and hard to detect prohibitions on the movement of information in paradoxical directions. Odd malfunctions, unpredictable wormhole events swallowing ships, losses of memory or time.
I don't know who "shamed" anyone about physics. If you ask someone "does this work with physics?" the answers are yes, no or maybe - and all three are valid fiction writing solutions.
I am detecting just a tiny bit of shade being directed at those that would want to construct a "hard SF" solution to a common SF trope, as if being concerned about such things is beneath those that consider themselves writers. But writers can choose whatever degree of realism and detail they want, which may involve nailing down a dialect (recent thread), getting historical clothing correct or worrying about how people in the past viewed outsiders. I just don't think the minutia in this thread is any more or less amusingly absurd than Jamaican Patois or 11th century soft soled shoes.
But I may be entirely incorrect for thinking that. Maybe that is not reasonable discussion on even a SF board and Dave the Moderator is trying to tell me something?