Ah, what are they doing differently? I didn't really get into the first series, though I couldn't put a finger on why. I remember The Subtle Knife being the most interesting book in the trilogy (though I can recall almost nothing about it) so I've been thinking of giving this series a go, but haven't so far because the first one didn't hold my attention.
Two things jump out at me; one is the presence of daemons in the background, and the other is pacing. This season seems a little ... not faster exactly, but ... tighter, more compelling, where season had a lot of moments that started to drag quite badly imo.
I think also they have found their voice a bit more. It seems to me that S1 didn't fully know what it wanted to be (a situation probably caused by quite a generationally diverse fanbase, including younger viewers, older viewers, fantasy audience, non-fantasy audience, new viewers to the series, old hands, and so on - a curse that
Star Wars also massively battled with, tmm). Pullman is, as I understand it, primarily a children's author but the take up of HDM by older readers probably caused a bit of a direction wobble. Whereas now, they seem to have settled into a "yes, we are for younger viewers too but we have a weird Dr Who-ish sheen and we can make the two work together" sort of vibe, for me. Kid-friendly TV used to be like that anyway - some of the stuff in the UK in the 70s and 80s was downright freakish as I recall, and probably long overdue an
homage or three
All of which is good. It's a reasonably bold course to go, I would say.