(Found... finally!) Anyone remember an sf novel about a man ripped to pieces by a starving mob?

I think you have it @dannymcg

The year is 2167, and Greenfield only gives us the trimmings of this hellish future society; basically, the Earth is overpopulated and undernourished, and all food is harvested from the sea... There isn’t even any regret on Wilde’s part when his wife announces she’s to become a government whore of sorts at the local “sex center”... the rioters, now that the sea crops have all been destroyed, have turned to cannibalism, and Wilde, thinking he’s being freed from prison by a group of rioters, discovers instead that they’ve come here to eat him. And here Greenfield ends the tale, Wilde getting his “throat ripped open” by the very same government secretary he was having an affair with, early in the novel.

The couple of reviews I read (particularly the above) do not rate it very highly...
You probably haven't received it yet, please remember to confirm yes/no when you can.
Danny Yes, it's the one! I've finally received it today and yes, it's definitely the one...

ALL HAIL DANNYMCG...the man is a GENIUS. He and he alone succeeded where all others had failed...he alone had the ability to continue where all others were informing me for the nth time that it was Make Room Make Room by Harry Harrison when I had told everyone repeatedly that it was not...DANNYMCG is truly the greatest man in this forum...no praise is too great for he who finally found for me a book I had been looking for since about 1973...I repeat, and let it be known throughout the length and breadth of these forums that DANNYMCG is a GENIUS!
