DISCUSSION THREAD, July 2019 75-Word Writing Challenge

I need more time. Sometimes I get an idea at work. Good luck to you @Mr Orange & @nixie

Our Muse Creatures are probably wondering around in the forest, or sleeping. Maybe watching classic comedy on Youtube. I dunno

i'm pretty sure my muse is at the pub. or binge watching game of thrones from the start again. either way I don't think i'm going to see her for a while.
@nixie .... All in the name of Science. .... In the marriage of the arts and Science Fiction Nixie throws us a little art larceny in and mixes it all up for a story that won't soon be forgotten.

@IntoTheBlack .... On a scale like no other ....
In the marriage of the arts and Science Fiction, I.T. Black reminds us who the REAL artist is.
@nixie Surely a Pixie Druid can play music for the plants and they in turn sing for you :giggle:

If this is you ‘Sans muse’ I can’t wait to read what you have when you muse is stuck to you like chocolate spread on un-toasted bread that’s been thrown on a carpet, ok I’m hungry now...
My muse duly arrived with an idea I thought worth working with. That was over a week ago and a dozen drafts later, I am yet to find one that I am even remotely happy with. It's tantalisingly within reach but feels sadly beyond my ability, unless I wake to sudden inspiration!

I like the theme though and really feel it offers a wealth of opportunities.

I might have a think about the 300 - see if that oils the old cogs.
@Ian Fortytwo .... A Future Conversation .... In the marriage of the Arts and Science Fiction Ian shows us the conflict which can come about in a world which values art very, very, highly.
I used have females for muse, but they kept complaining about me leaving the toilet seat up. That had to end.

I'd suggest that leaving the seat up is an invitation to a lecture you don't want a second time!
@StilLearning .... Mid-credit sequence: .... In the marriage of the arts and Science Fiction, S. Learning brings us the very logical conclusion to the universal show.
@Peter V .... From Under the Martian Yoke .... In the marriage of the arts and Science Fiction Peter writes a tale of magnificent art, irrepressible love, and intentional selfish cruelty.

Peter that's a real emotional roller coaster of a story. Well done.
@Peter V .... From Under the Martian Yoke .... In the marriage of the arts and Science Fiction Peter writes a tale of magnificent art, irrepressible love, and intentional selfish cruelty.

Peter that's a real emotional roller coaster of a story. Well done.

Thank you @Parson, for both the kind comment and the insightful review.
Cat's Cradle paints a portrait of tomorrow changing yesterday.

Marvin auctions off an item whose ephemeral nature determines its value.

Cathbad performs a classic in a astonishing new way.

MikeAnderson records a revival of oldies that goes farther than intended.

Ashleyne reveals that artistic merit is in the mind of the beholder.

elvet nurtures a quiet bit of evidence that aesthetics are as important as practicalities.

Daysman creates a hoax that is far more real than suspected.

Pedro Del Mar offers the fulfillment of dreams to those who thought them impossible.

Artoriarius sings of tales that our descendants will tell themselves.

Culhwch sprays a wry image of humanity's self-destructive urges.

Luiglin remakes innovative cinema with a satiric spin.

dannymcg pays tribute to a fellow artist in poetic form.

Elanvitalseries sheds a hopeful light on a dark existence.

chrispenycate philosophizes in verse about the inevitability of decadence.

nixie engages in a prank of truly astonishing proportions.

IntoTheBlack evokes a sense of awe regarding the limitless power of imagination.

Ian Fortytwo perceives the past through the distorted lens of the future.

StilLearning goes far beyond "all the world's a stage," with a vision of infinitude.

Peter V choreographs a romantic fable of the power of beauty over tyranny.

J.C. Scoberg provides a glimpse of a creation of mystery and wonder.
