So I finished Relic by Alan Dean Foster last week and have since started another Ellis Peter's Brother Cadfael novel - the second one in the series, One Corpse Too Many, which is very good so far.
Relic was a book I had been really looking forward to reading; its a new treatment of the last-human-alive trope; its Foster's latest novel I believe, and it is quite nicely done. But I think it bore more resemblance to CJ Cherryh's Foreigner series and alien species interrelationships, than the darker side of the sub-genre I was perhaps looking for. It's actually written in quite a light, positive style, which slightly surprised. That said, its ADF, so its an easy read, full of some nice ideas and scenes and it does have some good moments of tension and pace. Overall I'd say it was a B+ SF novel, perhaps not Foster's very best, but a very good go at an interesting concept. His aliens are quite well realised, which helps make it Cherryh-esque perhaps. I'd just have liked it to be a bit moodier and dark, as would seem to suit the sub-genre, but that's just personal taste - the subject matter would suit a fairly grim, SF thriller style I think. However, it's good to see Foster continues to write thoughtful SF as standalone novels at this end of his long and successful career.