NaNoWriMo - Does it help?

Ohhhh Nanowrimo. I've never fully finished a book during it. I wrote 50k of one once, then a year or two later did a 'cheat's Nano' and did another third of so of it before running out of steam. When Nano works, it's a great push. But the problem is if you need a day or two to figure out a problem with your plotting or writing, you can't really afford that time. With a family and work I find it's too much these days.

Wouldn't completely rule it out if I had more time and a good plan one year in the future...
What I dislike most about it are the braggarts.

Just because you typed 200,000 words in 5 days, doesn't mean they made a good, coherent story!

Plus I hate to be told I have to do - anything! ;)

I’ve written as many as five thousand words in one day... only about three hundred of them combined into something that would be fit to publish. I agree, it’s not the quantity of words but how much of what’s written is actually coherent.
It's not bad. Last year I finished 23,000 words in November, but speeded up after. The novel's now finished. I might enter again, but only because it looks like I'd be beginning a new novel in November anyway.

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