Okay, I see what you mean. Personally as a Scot Arthur doesn't really speak to me that way, given that many English kings tried to emulate the legend, as a way of justifying imperial expansion.
Plus if we are going to skirt politics, I'm more in the Republican camp, rather than divine rule of kings and watery tarts handing out swords...but maybe I'm going a bit too far in that analysis
(Not saying all Scottish/Pictish kings were angels, but well, I'm sure you know the history!)
EDIT: thinking about it, one of the reasons Boorman's Excalibur works so well, is that I think he strips out all the politics. I don't think Arthur is called King of the Britons, or any references to real places made. I think. I could be totally wrong! Happy to be corrected. (Yes, Duke of Cornwall is explicitly stated, but apart from that...