Asimov - 100

Talking of Asimov I have tried reading The Gods Themselves, but found it hard going for some reason. Might have to try again. Though I wasn't keen on some of his stuff, he was always my favourite SF personality, if you know what I mean. I got to know him, read his biographies and such. I was gutted when I discovered he'd died. It was like losing someone you know!
Project Gutenberg - that fine repository of the weakest and least well known work of every author. ;)
Not profitable enough to keep in copyright by estates or just really old.
Lots of Asimov is still profitable.
Talking of Asimov I have tried reading The Gods Themselves, but found it hard going for some reason. Might have to try again. Though I wasn't keen on some of his stuff, he was always my favourite SF personality, if you know what I mean. I got to know him, read his biographies and such. I was gutted when I discovered he'd died. It was like losing someone you know!
Feel pretty much the same way. I was impressed with what Asimov was doing with his concept in The God's Themselves but found the story itself a bit slow. No problem with the Hugo it received, he did do a slam bang job of alien building.

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