I like your insta feed a lot - one of the few that makes me smile and makes me feel closer to you, as a mate who has never actually met you. That engages me more than your Twitter. I like to feel feeds are authentic for me to engage with the person - so I think wherever you feel most yourself works best - but only if you’re happy with people knowing you. That’s the hard Part.Hi Jo, what do you mean? That I should be the flippant joker I am on instagram, or that I should maintain a more professional air? Obviously I'm obviously much more comfortable being irreverent and relaxed but wonder if I need to be a bit more restrained. My Twitter presence is @Phyrebrat for more personal and polictical stuff, and @beanwriting for author-y and writing things.
Would you say you've had to tone down your Jo-ness or ...?
i am careful what I say where, I edit a lot. That is partly because of my surname and being so easily searched and because my writing name is the same as my actual name, and that I have a fairly conservative day job. I am vocal about my politics and where my natural bent is - but very very careful about anything to do with Northern Ireland, especially running a shop in an area linked to one religion (as all things NI are)- But i think I still am Jo whereever I am - I just had to come to terms with that visibility and that took a while, when I realised I was becoming more visible.
i think it’s about getting to that comfort point.
edit - I still Angst when people dislike me because of whatever they perceive me as without knowing me.